What is Dementia and What Are Its Symptoms?

DementiaIt is a condition that occurs as a result of damage or death of brain cells. This situation may cause the individual to become dysfunctional in daily life. Dementia usually manifests itself with symptoms such as memory loss, decrease in thinking skills, decrease in problem-solving ability, attention deficit and personality changes.

What are the symptoms of dementia?

  • Memory Loss: Difficulty remembering past events, forgetting recent events.
  • Language Problems: Speech difficulties, difficulty finding words, problems in speaking fluently.
  • Loss of Orientation: Difficulty recognizing time, place or people.
  • Decreased Decision Making Ability: Decreased ability to make simple decisions or solve problems.
  • Personality and Behavior Changes: Sudden personality changes, emotional fluctuations, social incompatibility.
  • Decrease in Daily Functions: Difficulty in basic daily activities and need for care.