Who is 60-year-old Miss Buenos Aires Alejandra Rodriquez?

Alejandra Rodriquez was chosen as Miss Buenos Aires as a result of the competition held last Wednesday. Rodriquez, who earned the right to represent his state in the nationwide competition in May, was entitled to receive this title.

Age Limits Are Changing in Beauty Contests

There was a comprehensive innovation regarding the change of age limits in beauty contests. The criteria, which in previous years covered contestants between the ages of 18 and 28, have been expanded in recent years to include women between the ages of 18 and 73. With this change, there was a great expansion in the age range of participation in competitions.

In her statement after receiving the title of Miss Buenos Aires, Alejandra Rodriquez stated that she studied law and worked as a legal consultant in a hospital. Rodriquez, who draws attention with her care for her beauty and healthy lifestyle, emphasized that she has made it a habit to exercise regularly, eat healthy and pay attention to skin care.

  • Alejandra Rodriquez's Healthy Lifestyle:
  • “The main thing is to live a healthy life, eat well, do physical activity. Normal care, nothing too unusual, and a little bit genetic.” Rodriquez states that healthy eating and regular exercise provide him with great benefits in terms of health and beauty.

Alejandra Rodriquez's victory in the Miss Buenos Aires pageant came among 35 contestants from different age groups. “We had 35 participants of all ages, the oldest being 18 to 73. "There was no age category," said Rodriquez, adding that he was pleased with the modern and inclusive perspective offered by beauty contests in this new era.