There are no restrictions on public transportation for people over the age of 65 in Kocaeli

It has been announced that the news in some media outlets that Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality has made changes to free and discounted travel cards does not reflect the truth. Also featured in national broadcasting organizations; It was stated that the news that the unlimited riding right of citizens aged 65 and over in public transportation has ended with the new regulation made by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, is unfounded. In the statement made by the Department of Transportation, it was stated that there are no restrictions on the Kocaeli Cards of citizens aged 65 and over.


News that regulations have been made for free and discounted travel cards used in transportation in Kocaeli do not reflect the truth. In some press organs; ''Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality made a significant change in free and discounted travel cards. With the new regulation, the unlimited riding rights of citizens aged 65 and over in public transportation have ended and restrictions have been introduced. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality stated that the news does not reflect the truth.


In the statement made by the Department of Transportation, it was stated that there were no regulations on the use of free and discounted travel cards used in transportation in Kocaeli and that there were no restrictions on KocaeliCards, especially for citizens aged 65 and over.