Don't Sleep When You're Depressed!

Don't Sleep When You're Depressed!

Demoralization is one of the emotional problems that everyone experiences from time to time. So, what can be done when depressed? Expert Psychologist Kaan Üçyıldız gave important information on the subject. When you're in a bad mood [more…]

Men's Club Started to Serve in Keçiören
06 Ankara

Men's Club Started to Serve in Keçiören

Following the Women's Club, Keçiören Municipality opened the Men's Club. The opening of the club was held with the participation of Keçiören Mayor Turgut Altınok. In his speech at the opening, he emphasized the need for the Men's Club. [more…]

Pegasus' Airbus Order

Pegasus' Airbus Order

Pegasus Hava Taşımacılık A.Ş. made a notification regarding the Airbus aircraft order. In the statement made to the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP), "Our company focuses on emission reduction through fuel and unit cost savings." [more…]

Famous Chefs Introduced 'Gum' Tastes
30 Greece

Famous Chefs Introduced 'Gum' Tastes

The "Taste Like Chios 2023" festival, held for the first time in Chios, Greece, hosted the important chefs of the gastronomy world. Within the scope of the 3-day event program, flavors specific to the island were introduced. [more…]