Turkey's Income from the Straits Will Increase! Incremental Passes Start Tomorrow

Turkey's Income from the Straits Will Increase! Incremental Passes Start Tomorrow
Turkey's Income from the Straits Will Increase! Incremental Passes Start Tomorrow

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu said, “The fee of $4,08 per net ton will be $1 as of July 2023, 4,42. With the Presidential Decision, the Bosphorus tolls will be updated every year. Our income from the straits will increase," he said.

From 1983 to October 7, 2022, 0,80 dollars was charged per net ton from international ships passing through the Straits. It was later increased to $4,08 by Presidential Decision. By re-updating, the net unit per ton used in determining the strait tolls, effective from 1 July 2023, has now been increased to $4,42.

To give an example on a ship with a net tonnage of 10 thousand; Before October 7, 2022, a total of 3 dollars was charged from a ship for lighthouse, rescue and health services. This fee was increased to 240 thousand 2022 dollars in October 16, when the first price adjustment was made. With the new tariff to be passed on July 393, a ship with a net tonnage of 1 thousand tons will have to pay 10 thousand 17 dollars. In this way, foreign currency inflow to the country will be increased.


According to the Montreux Convention; Ships that will pass through the Turkish Straits without a stop are charged three items: health inspection service, lighthouse service and rescue service. While calculating the fees, the net tonnage of the ships (NRT) is taken as the basis, and the unit of "Golden Franc" is taken as the basis. Until last year, these prices remained stable. According to the Presidential Decision, the Bosphorus tolls will now be recalculated and updated automatically on 3 July every year without the need for a Presidential decision.