What Is Orchitis, Why Does It Happen? Orchitis Symptoms and Treatment

What Is Orchitis? Causes Orchitis Symptoms And Treatment
What Is Orchitis, Causes Orchitis Symptoms and Treatment

Associate Professor from Memorial Kayseri Hospital, Department of Urology. Dr. Bülent Altunoluk gave information about testicular inflammation. Stating that the infections that occur as a result of inflammation of the testicles are called orchitis, Assoc. Dr. Altunoluk said, “While it usually develops due to bacteria, it can rarely occur with viral agents such as mumps. Orchitis, which often occurs in a single testis, can sometimes be found in both testicles. Orchitis, which is seen in male individuals who pass from adolescence to adulthood, is sometimes seen in children due to the mumps virus.

Stating that testicular inflammation can develop due to many reasons, Assoc. Dr. Altunoluk said, “The most common cause is that it occurs as a result of the transfer of bacteria to the testis during an existing urinary tract infection. While bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases in young people are at the forefront, testicular inflammation in the elderly is infections that occur as a result of the progression of urinary tract infection originating from the prostate to the testis. Again, one of the most important viral causes is the inflammation of one or both testicles of patients with mumps, called mumps orchitis.

Assoc. Dr. Bülent Altunoluk explained the conditions that predispose to orchitis as follows:

  • Use of urethral catheter (catheter)
  • Benign prostatic enlargement (BPH)
  • Having frequent urinary tract infections
  • Not vaccinated against mumps or have had mumps before
  • Presence of multiple sexual partners

Being in unhygienic environments”

Stating that the progression of orchitis, which can be of bacterial and viral origin, may cause epididymoorchitis, Assoc. Dr. Bülent Altunoluk said the following about the symptoms of Orchitis:

  • Pain and swelling in the testicles
  • Pain in the groin area and lower abdomen
  • High fever
  • burning in urination
  • Having urethral discharge

Stating that testicular inflammation will not go away on its own if it is not treated, Assoc. Dr. Bülent Altunoluk stated that after the patient's history was taken by the urology specialist, necessary tests were performed and the diagnosis was made, treatment should be started immediately.

Assoc. Dr. Altunoluk explained the general principles of treatment as follows:

  • Appropriate antibiotic therapy
  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Rest cure
  • Scrotal elevation (elevation of the affected side testicle)
  • Cold compress application (as recommended)