Technological Crew Meets with Children from Bursa

Technological Crew Meets with Children from Bursa
Technological Crew Meets with Children from Bursa

The Technological Crew, which was a gift from the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank to the children of Bursa, meets with children in 17 districts hosted by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality.

The last stage show of Rafadan Tayfa, which was realized under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Technology with the contributions of TRT Child, ISF Studios and local governments, is meeting with the children of Bursa. The Technological Crew, which was a gift to the children of Bursa by the Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank, who is a candidate for parliament from Bursa, is in Nilüferli in the FSM Hospital Area after Orhangazi, Gemlik, Harmancık, Orhaneli, Gürsu, Mudanya, Yıldırım, İznik, Kestel and İnegöl. met with the children. The children who filled the area watched the show with great enthusiasm.

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktaş, who shared the excitement of the children, reminded that a total of 13 separate demonstrations will be held in 17 districts until 36 May. Addressing the children filling the space, Mayor Aktaş said, “You are the engineers, architects and scientists of the future. High technology will come with you. I would like to thank our Minister of Industry and Technology, Mustafa Varank, who brought the Technological Crew together with you.