Correct Posture of the Body Increases Quality of Life!

Correct Posture of the Body Increases Quality of Life
Correct Posture of the Body Increases Quality of Life!

Near East University Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Şeniz Kulle gave tips on different correct postures while standing, sitting, lying or moving.

At the beginning of the things parents say to their children most frequently, there are warnings about their posture such as "don't slouch" and "walk upright". Not only in children, but also in adults; Using the body correctly and in a balanced way while walking, sitting, working or even sleeping greatly improves the quality of life. Dr. Şeniz Kulle gave important tips on how the correct posture, called posture, should be. Near East University Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist

Normal stance is the stance that does not cause any strain on the musculoskeletal system, and the forces applied to the joints where the normal curvatures of the body are preserved are evenly distributed. Although it varies according to the person's body type, race, gender, occupation and hobbies, psychological state and daily life habits, correct posture; Proper and healthy posture is vital for the harmony of our muscles, ligaments, circulatory system and organs.

The spine, which is the carrier of the body, is one of the systems most affected by wrong posture. In order for the loads on the spine to be carried well, the ligaments and muscles must be in balance. Near East University Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Şeniz Kulle said, “The imbalance in bad posture causes fatigue, asymmetry in the spine and pain with nociceptive stimuli. The muscles are overstretched to maintain the abnormal posture. Spasm and pain occur over time”, he talks about the effects of wrong posture positions. Regarding correct posture, he says, "In the correct posture, the weight is distributed to each body part, the shock is absorbed, the range of motion is maintained, and the movements necessary for stability and mobility are independently controlled."

sitting right, sleeping right

Near East University Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Seniz Kulle, you have a good posture; emphasizes that it has different characteristics while standing, sitting, lying or moving: “When standing, the head should be upright, the chest should be forward and the abdomen should be inward. Rather than an aesthetic appearance, this is a posture that adjusts the relations of body parts with each other, and enables organs, arms and legs to perform their functions with the least energy consumption.”

Walking, sitting, sleeping are the basic cycles of our daily life. Acting and posing correctly while doing these will also increase our quality of life. Especially people who work at desks spend most of their days sitting. So how should the correct sitting style be?

exp. Dr. Şeniz Kulle said, “When sitting, the back should be straight and the shoulders should be back. The hips should touch the back of the chair, and the lumbar cavity should be supported by a pillow. Body weight should be evenly distributed over the hips, and the knees should be slightly higher than the hips. A foot riser can be used for this. However, one of the most important rules is not to sit in the same position for more than 30 minutes, and not to cross your legs. When standing up from the sitting position, the chair should be moved towards the front and the legs should be straightened. Leaning forward from the waist should be avoided.

exp. Dr. Şeniz Kulle reminds us that the sleeping position determines both our sleep quality and the level of our physical fatigue. Their suggestions for the right sleeping position are: “A pillow should be placed under the head while sleeping, but the pillow should not be too high. Shoulders should remain under the pillow. A pillow should be placed under the knees when lying on your back and between your legs when lying on your side. You should not lie face down for a long time, a pillow should be placed under the abdomen while lying on your stomach.

Causes, consequences…

People who do not have correct posture habits are at risk of encountering important health problems in their daily lives. Near East University Hospital, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist. Dr. Şeniz Kulle says, “The most common posture disorders include kyphosis, scoliosis, increased lordosis, flattened waist, low shoulders and head-forward postures.” He cites "hereditary disorders, habits and lack of education" as the most common causes of bad posture. exp. Dr. Kulle says, “Other causes of bad posture include obesity, muscle weakness, tense muscles, loss of flexibility, wrong shoe selection, poor working conditions, sleep disorders, and mental state disorders.”