What are the Causes of Forgetfulness at a Young Age? How Is Forgetfulness Treated?

What are the Causes of Forgetfulness in Young Age How Is Forgetfulness Treated?
What are the Causes of Forgetfulness at a Young Age How To Treat Forgetfulness

Stating that forgetfulness, which is a neurological problem, can occur for many different reasons, Anadolu Medical Center Director of Neurology Department Prof. Dr. Yaşar Kütükçü gave information about forgetfulness.

Reminding that some forgetfulness can have a good prognosis and treatment can be planned according to the diagnosis, Anadolu Medical Center Director of Neurology Department Prof. Dr. Yaşar Kütükçü said, “It is possible to encounter different causes of forgetfulness. These include depression, anxiety, concentration impairment, attention deficit, deficiency of some vitamins such as B12 and folic acid, under-functioning of the thyroid gland, organ failures such as liver, kidney and heart, and degenerative diseases of the brain such as advanced Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Inattention and leaving the stove on at home can be a sign of illness

Underlining that forgetfulness can appear in front of people for different reasons in daily life, Prof. Dr. Yaşar Kütükçü said, “Difficulty in finding words can manifest itself with symptoms such as not being able to remember a book recently read or a movie watched, confusion, distraction, not being able to find what you are looking for, not understanding what you are reading, not being able to name things, asking the same question over and over, or leaving the stove on at home. " said.

Causes of forgetfulness at a young age

Sharing that forgetfulness seen at a young age is very common especially in recent years, Director of Neurology Department Prof. Dr. Yaşar Kütükçü said, “Forgetfulness, which is mostly seen as an extension of psychiatric problems in young people, develops due to lack of attention, and sometimes vitamin deficiencies caused by nutritional problems can lead to forgetfulness in the younger generation. Difficulties brought by city life, insufficient sleep, unhealthy diet, excessive use of technological products are among the causes of forgetfulness among young people.

How is forgetfulness treated?

Underlining that forgetfulness is usually not noticed or ignored by both the patient himself and his family in the early period, Prof. Dr. Yaşar Kütükçü said, “It is very important to detect early causes of forgetfulness, which occurs at a young age and can be treated. For example, a suitable treatment is planned for forgetfulness due to vitamin deficiency, while appropriate brain exercises and drug treatments are planned when there is a disorder related to fluid circulation in the brain.

Possible diseases can be prevented with memory check-up

Stating that if the forgetfulness in the human mind has begun to affect the work, family and social life of the person, this situation can be accepted as a symptom of a neurological disease. Dr. Yaşar Kütükçü said, “It is important to apply memory tests planned by a neurologist for the correct diagnosis. With these tests performed for patients who come with complaints of forgetfulness and are thought to have a serious forgetfulness; The general neurological status and functions of the patient are examined in many different areas such as planning, language skills, visual memory, and arithmetic abilities. These tests, also called memory check-ups, are very useful in determining normal performance when memory is good. Regardless of whether they are young or old, people aged 50 and over can also have these tests and learn the reason for their forgetfulness after just one day, and possible delays can be prevented.