Municipal Buses Continue to Provide Free Service in Diyarbakir

Diyarbakir Municipality Buses Continue to Provide Free Service
Municipal Buses Continue to Provide Free Service in Diyarbakir

Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality extended the free bus services that it started after the earthquake until February 26 (including February 26).

The free public transportation service, which was started by the order of the Governor and Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, Ali İhsan Su, in order to avoid problems in transportation after the earthquake, continues.

In line with the decision taken by the Department of Transportation, buses belonging to the Metropolitan Municipality will continue to transport citizens free of charge until 26 at night on February 01.00.

Free transportation from tent city to city center

The Department of Transportation has created two free routes so that the citizens staying in the Tent city on Silvan Road do not have transportation problems.

With the routes created, citizens staying in the tent city will be able to reach the city center free of charge.