When Will Schools Open in 10 Provinces Affected by the Earthquake? Minister Özer Announced

Minister Ozer Announced When Schools Will Be Opened in the Region of the Earthquake
When Will Schools Open in 10 Provinces Affected by the Earthquake? Minister Özer Announced

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer announced the education and training calendar for 10 provinces after detailed evaluations with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer, in his statement at Malatya AFAD Coordination Center, underlined that the important thing is to carry out the process safely and underlined that they will not start education in any unit that does not have a solid report.

Wishing success to the students and teachers who started education in 71 provinces today, Minister Özer announced that the number of students who were transferred from 10 provinces affected by the earthquake to other provinces increased to 74 thousand 884.

Stating that the 10 provinces in the earthquake zone were also added to Elazig, Minister Özer said that students in this city will not be required to attend the second semester.

Stating that education will only be started in schools that have been given a sound report by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Özer said, “We will definitely not let our students and teachers into schools without a sound report. In the provinces where education will begin, we will not start education in those schools if the sound report has not yet been received.” said.

Explaining that they divided 10 provinces into 3 categories after a comprehensive evaluation with the governors and provincial national education directors, Minister Özer said: “Adana, Diyarbakır, Kilis and Şanlıurfa are in the first category. As of March 1, we start education in the center and all districts in these provinces. Gaziantep and Osmaniye are in the second category. In these provinces, we are extending the break in education until March 1st until March 13th. The third category includes Adıyaman, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş and Hatay. We are extending the postponement of the education we provide until March 1 in these provinces until March 27.”

Hospital classes will be opened in all hospitals in 10 provinces until March 1

Expressing that they started the process that will ensure the normalization of education in a security-oriented and gradual way in bringing together 10 provinces with education and training, Minister Mahmut Özer said, “In addition to these, we will open hospital classes in all hospitals in 10 provinces until March 1. In these hospital classes, only our students who receive their treatment in the hospital will not receive training. In addition, the children of our health workers, who work 1/8, will also be able to benefit from these classes. As of March 12, we will open a support and training course for our 1th grade students who will enter LGS and our XNUMXth grade students who will enter YKS. We will support our students by opening support and training courses as of March XNUMX in order to support the eighth and twelfth grades in the provinces where we have postponed education in the second and third categories.” used his statements.

In addition to the need for textbooks and auxiliary resources, all stationery needs of earthquake victims will be met by the Ministry.

Stating that the textbooks and supplementary resources needed by the 10th and 8th grade students in 12 provinces have been reprinted, Özer said, “As of March 11, we will deliver approximately 820 million 918 thousand 1 books and supplementary resources to all our students. For other classes, we have started to reprint textbooks and supplementary resources for all grade levels, especially for our provinces in the second and third categories. Hopefully, when they are finished, we will deliver them to all our students. As the Ministry, we will meet all the stationery materials of our earthquake survivor students. Let our students be comfortable. As the Ministry, we will provide their bags, books, erasers and all kinds of educational materials they need and deliver them to all our students.” said.

Özer stated that although education and training is postponed in the provinces in the second and third categories, they will create tent classrooms for kindergarten, primary and secondary schools in tent cities and container cities - as in Islahiye, Gaziantep. announced that the number of centers has reached 377. Özer said, “In these tents, our pre-school teachers, guidance teachers and psychological counselors are working to support our children with games and activities, and in this context, we will increase the number more and more every day, I hope.” used his statements.

“As the Ministry, we will use all your means to continue education with different options and support mechanisms and under all circumstances.” Özer underlined once again that the important issue here is security.

Expressing his gratitude to the vocational high schools, public education centers, volunteer teachers and the entire National Education community working to meet the needs of the citizens and students in the earthquake area, Özer said, “May our students and teachers be at peace. We will share the processes with the public with new developments.” he concluded his speech.