Ways to Cope with Stress at Work

Ways to Cope with Stress at Work
Ways to Cope with Stress at Work

Stress management is of great importance in order to protect your physical and mental health, to maintain your quality of life, and to work more productively in the workplace. Stress is a situation in the flow of life that we often experience in business life… Today, work and stress seem like an inseparable duo that goes hand in hand. He even thinks that it is beneficial because it increases the motivation of the employees by enabling the person to work efficiently when the stress is sufficient and manageable. However, contrary to these thoughts, stress is not a strong enough element to support the person to take action to push their limits. Cl. Ps. Dilşah Özcan said, “Stress, on the contrary, is a destructive, wearing and difficult factor to deal with. Because stress occurs when there is an inconsistency between what needs to be done in working conditions and one's work methods. "Stress is not as innocent and beneficial as it is normalized," he says.

exp. Cl. Ps. Özcan explains his three-stage solution proposal to manage stress in the workplace as follows: “First of all, identify the problem. In the evaluation step, which is the first step of the solution, you must face your situation by becoming aware of the stress reactions you experience. You should be aware of both the signals your body gives and your defense mechanism against these signals. Our second step is planning. This phase includes an action plan that you will develop to eliminate the situation you are experiencing. You should create a roadmap for yourself to deal with the problems. In the solve section, which is the last step, apply one of the suggestions in your planning that is most suitable for you and will enable you to reach a solution in an easy and fast way. In short, for the management of stress in the workplace, first of all, you will be aware of your situation, name the problem, identify the solutions you need, and then take action by determining the condition that will solve the problem in the most appropriate way.”

But if we do not have an exit plan in the face of the problem we are experiencing, or if we have tried and failed to come to a conclusion; In summary, what can we do if we are struggling with situations that are beyond our control?

exp. Cl. Ps. In such a situation, Özcan recommends taking a short break and enjoying the moment and the flow with mediative techniques called awareness. Saying, "With the deepest compassion you will show to yourself, you can use deep breathing to remove your tension when you feel anxiety and stress." Cl. Ps. Özcan continues: “You can stay in the flow by constantly telling yourself how valuable you are, thinking that every moment of your life is a miracle, and you can increase your quality of life with the power of your thoughts by making yourself a source of gratitude for being able to come to work in a healthy way.”

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