Environmental Awareness Instilled in 286 Students in Manisa

Manisa Metropolitan Municipality continued its educational programs, which it started with the aim of informing secondary school students about climate change and climate crisis in our world and in our country, with Yunusemre district Barbaros Şehit Mehmet Savunmaz Secondary School, Private Manisa Hedef College, Gölmarmara Şehit Özcan Yıldız Secondary School and Tiyenli Secondary School. In the training titled "Climate Change and Clean Energy", carbon emissions, greenhouse gas formation and effects, clean energy and climate crisis were discussed. While a total of 286 students participated in the training program, environmental engineers working in the Climate Change and Zero Waste Department provided information to the students on topics such as carbon emissions, carbon footprint, greenhouse gas formation and effects, climate change and clean energy. With the training organized, students learned about climate change and clean energy.