What is BV Abbreviation in Maçkolik?

It is one of the terms frequently encountered in the Macholik application but whose meaning is wondered. “BV”Let's explain what it means and how it is used.

In Maçkolik application “BV” expression, “kick off" It means. This term indicates that a football match has not yet started and is before kick-off. If a match has started and ended, these are “v” and ”MSIt is indicated by the expressions “. However, if the match is getting ready for kick-off, this situation is described in Maçkolik as “BVIt is expressed with the term “.

The Maçkolik application places various expressions in the middle of the lines where the names of the teams are written while providing information about the status of the matches. Users can follow the stage and score of the match by looking at these expressions. If "BVIf you see ”, this indicates that the match has not started yet and it is time for kick-off.