How Do Air Defense Systems Work Between Israel and Iran?

Iran attacked Israel with approximately 290 missiles and kamikaze UAVs. Israel's air defense systems prevented most attacks. Following this development, research on how the Air Defense System works, in which countries it is located and whether it is in Turkey has increased. The Israeli air defense system 'worked' throughout the night against more than 300 Iranian unmanned aerial vehicles and ballistic missile attacks, and it was announced that 99 percent of the missiles and UAVs were destroyed in the air. The Israeli army reported that the Nevatim military base in the Negev desert was slightly damaged, but the systems there were operational.

Air Defense Systems and Features

What is an Air Defense System?
Air defense are systems that enable the control and protection of the airspace over a country's territory and territorial waters against foreigners and possible threats. Air defense system is one of the important elements that determine the military power of countries.

  • Turkey: Türkiye has allocated a budget of 2023 billion dollars to develop its investments in the military field in 40. There are also S-400 systems in the country's air defense system.
  • South Korea: South Korea has 65 thousand active personnel and has 354 combat aircraft, 41 transport aircraft, 758 helicopters and 112 attack helicopters.
  • India: India is the world's most populous country with a population of 1 billion 400 million and has 606 combat aircraft, 264 transport aircraft, 869 helicopters and 40 attack helicopters.
  • Chinese: China has 2.5 million active soldiers and more than 3 warplanes and helicopters.
  • Russia: Russia's air defense system includes 809 combat aircraft, 547 helicopters, 559 attack helicopters and 453 transport aircraft.
  • USA: The USA has 1 million 400 thousand soldiers and more than 13 thousand warplanes and helicopters. The US navy has 11 aircraft carriers, 75 destroyers, 64 submarines, 5 patrol ships and 8 minelayers.