Gluten-Free Food Packages for 225 Celiacs Every Month in Kocasinan

Underlining that the services provided make celiac families happy, Mayor Çolakbayrakdar said, “It is very valuable for us to receive the food packages we have prepared for celiac families in return for prayers. Another proud aspect of this service is that many municipalities in Turkey, both in our city and nationally, organize similar organizations. Of course, it is important for us that a job is done and that it is liked and accepted by the people in that region, as the job is right. However, it is even more important that many municipalities in Turkey carry out a study for celiac families, not just at the local level. As known; In line with the decision we took at our council meeting in 2017, we have been supporting celiac families with a gluten-free product package for 7 years. The support we provide continues to increase day by day. Celiac is a food allergy. Our citizens who have celiac sensitivity due to gluten sensitivity must eat gluten-free foods. Those with this sensitivity must follow a certain diet throughout their lives, that is, consume gluten-free foods. As Kocasinan Municipality, we support our fellow citizens with allergic sensitivities and regularly deliver specially prepared gluten-free product packages to families with celiac disease. In addition, we are trying to produce different projects. In this regard, last year, we implemented the 'Kafe Sinan Gluten Free' project, which is a first in Turkey, where Kayseri's local cuisine is both produced gluten-free and offers takeaway service. "Our aim is to make the lives of our celiac families even a little easier, and while doing this, to strengthen the bond between us," he said.

Families with celiac disease stated that they were extremely satisfied with the services provided by Kocasinan Municipality for them and thanked Mayor Çolakbayrakdar.

In the gluten-free product packages prepared by Kocasinan Municipality Social Aid Affairs Directorate; There are gluten-free foods such as cake flour, pastry flour, starch mixture, cocoa crispy ball, twisted pasta, spaghetti, noodles, bulgur for meatballs, hazelnut paste, orange mini cake and sesame pretzels.