Maski Visit from the Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change

Manisa Water and Sewerage Administration (MASKİ) General Manager Burak Aslay hosted Manisa Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Provincial Director Faik Gürocak in his office. During the visit, it was stated that both institutions were working in a coordinated manner to move Manisa higher, by emphasizing the common working areas throughout the province. General Manager Aslay thanked Provincial Manager Gürocak for his kind visit and gave detailed information about the projects carried out and planned to be carried out by the administration for 'A Cleaner Manisa and a Healthier Environment'.

General Manager Burak Aslay said, “We continue our work throughout the province in line with the 'Cleaner Manisa and Healthier Environment' goal of our Metropolitan Municipality Mayor, Mr. Cengiz Ergün. We take care to act in coordination with the institutions in our city to take Manisa further in every sense. We also have joint working areas with our Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in the projects we implement in our city. "We will continue to work in cooperation for our Manisa and our citizens," he said.