MSB: Attacks Receive Retaliation

The Ministry of National Defense held its Weekly Press Information Meeting regarding its activities with the presentation of Press and Public Relations Advisor Rear Admiral Zeki Aktürk.

Rear Admiral Zeki Aktürk pointed out that the Ministry of National Defense continues to fulfill its duties with great determination, determination and success for the survival of our state, the defense and security of our country, and to work with great enthusiasm and effort for a larger and stronger Turkey. He noted that 82 terrorists were neutralized in a week.

With the operations carried out uninterruptedly and successfully against all kinds of threats and dangers, especially PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG, DAESH and FETO terrorist organizations, the number of terrorists neutralized since January 1, 2023, including the north of Iraq and Syria, has reached 2 thousand. While noting that the number reached 478, he emphasized that 3 PKK terrorists surrendered to the Border Patrol Station in Habur this week and that the only way out for terrorists is to surrender to Turkish justice.


Meanwhile, Rear Admiral Aktürk stated that harassment and attack attempts to disrupt the security and peace environment created in our operational areas in Syria continue and said, “These attacks are given the necessary response. As a matter of fact, 17 harassment and attacks were carried out in the last week, and 56 terrorists were neutralized with the immediate and multiple response. "Thus, the number of harassment and attacks carried out as of January 1, 2023 has reached 577, and the number of terrorists neutralized has reached 661," he said.

Rear Admiral Aktürk also stated that 191 people who tried to cross illegally in the last week at the borders protected by the most intense and effective measures in the history of the Republic were caught, and 3 of the captured people were FETO, 1 was PKK/YPG and 4 were DAESH. He announced that he was a member of a terrorist organization and that 8 thousand 6 people were blocked before they could cross the border.