The Patient's Heart Was Stopped First, Then The Surgery Was Performed

57-year-old Mehmet Çetin, who has been seeing different doctors for years with complaints of shortness of breath, was last diagnosed with serious mitral valve disorder and arrhythmia at Izmir City Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic.

The patient, who underwent Mechanical Mitral Valve Replacement (replacement of the heart valve) and RF Catheter Ablation surgery (arrhythmia treatment by giving radio waves) performed for the first time in the hospital, regained his health with two important surgical procedures performed simultaneously. Cardiovascular Surgery Clinical Supervisor Prof. Dr. Haydar Yaşa, Prof. Dr. The operation performed by Habib Çakır and his team was completed successfully.

“We successfully applied these two procedures to our patient in a single operation.”

Prof. Dr. Haydar Yaşa; “We took our patient, who was treated in intensive care for a while after the operation, to the service. His follow-up continues and we are planning his discharge soon. We successfully applied these two procedures to our patient in a single operation, which we performed for the first time at Izmir City Hospital. Thanks to the technological innovations provided by our hospital, this and similar difficult-to-surgical operations are performed successfully in our clinic, so our patients can continue their lives in a healthy way. "We are very happy about this," he said.