'Nursery' Request from Kocaeli City Hospital

Türk Sağlık Sen Kocaeli Branch President Ömer Çeker, Branch Vice President Umut Birol, Kocaeli City Hospital Chief Representative Sevcan Çakı, Representative Yusuf Güler, Emre Onur Araz, Recep Habip Women's Branch Vice President Emine Özçelik made a press statement at the branch with the participation.

Mayor Çeker said that it is mandatory to open a nursery and day care center at Kocaeli City Hospital.

In his statement, Branch Head Ömer Çeker said, "According to the Personnel Distribution Chart (PDC) published on the Ministry of Health website, approximately 657 healthcare workers subject to the 2298 Civil Servants Law (DMK) will work at Kocaeli City Hospital. Although approximately 4500 to 5000 employees of Kocaeli City Hospital, together with the personnel of the contractor company that built the hospital, will work to provide health services to the people of Kocaeli, the staff will have difficulties in taking care of their children due to the lack of a nursery serving their children, and this situation will affect their performance. "Opening a nursery/child care center within Kocaeli City Hospital will ensure that the service provided is more effective and of higher quality," he said.

Emphasizing that the existence of nurseries and nursing homes should help educate children in a safe environment and develop their commitment to national, spiritual, moral, cultural and humanitarian values ​​in accordance with scientific requirements, Çeker said, "Ensuring that they are in full physical, emotional, mental and social harmony." "It is of great importance to gain knowledge, skills and habits regarding nutrition, to help them speak Turkish correctly and beautifully, to prepare children for primary education and to develop their social relations through games and friendship, and to increase work efficiency by preparing a safer working environment for parents," he said. .


""We expect sensitivity on this issue and want the necessary steps to be taken," said Çeker, adding in his statement: "The City Hospital management should put this on its agenda as a priority issue. One should produce solutions by thinking of alternative ways. For example, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and Izmit Municipality can develop a project very close to our city hospital and open a nursery for healthcare mothers. We can also apply as a union in this regard. Our aim is to solve a problem. By working together, we can eliminate a very troublesome situation, put a smile on the faces of mothers who are healthcare workers, and relieve their concerns. "We call on the authorities once again on this issue and say, 'Come and bring a nursery to our hospital.'"