Fire Drill from Kayseri Kocasinan

A fire drill and training was carried out for field employees by Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department personnel. In the practical training carried out in the technical workshop of Kocasinan Municipality in Oruçreis District; Participants were informed about issues such as the causes of fire, its classification, substances used in fire extinguishing, alarm and evacuation planning in case of emergency.

After the training, the participants practiced how to intervene in a fire that broke out in the kitchen stove and electrical appliances. Then, municipal employees extinguished the fire under the control of fire brigades with a fire extinguisher. The successful exercise was just like the real thing.

Stating that they attach great importance to personnel training as well as services and investments, Kocasinan Mayor Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar said, “We increase the knowledge of our employees with the training programs we organize. With this training, our employees learned what to do as soon as possible in case of fire and effective intervention methods. Our first priority is to ensure the safety of our employees in case of a possible fire. "This and similar training activities will continue at periodic intervals in the coming days," he said.