KPSS Preference Results Announced

KPSS Preference Results Announced
KPSS Preference Results Announced

KPSS-2023/6 Social Security Institution Presidency's placement results for contracted personnel positions have been announced. Candidates will be able to access the placement results with their TR ID numbers and passwords.

In the statement made by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) Presidency, the placement process for the contracted personnel positions of the KPSS-5/11 Social Security Institution, whose preferences were received between 2023-2023 October 6, has been completed.

SGK 1392 personnel recruitment was made for a total of 1300 candidates, 92 of whom were undergraduate graduates and 1392 of whom were associate degree graduates. The highest appointment score for undergraduate graduates was 98,000 and for associate degree graduates was 90,000.

According to the preference results, the highest number of appointments were made to the Ministry of Health with 517. This institution was followed by the Ministry of National Education with 231, the Ministry of Finance with 140 and the Presidency of Religious Affairs with 130.

For detailed information about KPSS 2023/6 preference results, you can visit the official website of ÖSYM.

Here are some important details about KPSS 2023/6 preference results:

  • Preference results, 20 October Starting from 2023 on 15.30, it will be accessible from ÖSYM's ​​address with TR ID numbers and passwords.
  • SGK 1392 personnel recruitment was made for a total of 1300 candidates, 92 of whom were undergraduate graduates and 1392 of whom were associate degree graduates.
  • The highest appointment score for undergraduate graduates was 98 and for associate degree graduates was 90.
  • According to the preference results, the highest number of appointments were made to the Ministry of Health with 517. This institution was followed by the Ministry of National Education with 231, the Ministry of Finance with 140 and the Presidency of Religious Affairs with 130.