European Mobility Week Activities Started with 'Bicycle Ride' in Ankara

European Mobility Week Activities Started with 'Bicycle Ride' in Ankara
European Mobility Week Activities Started with 'Bicycle Ride' in Ankara

Ankara Metropolitan Municipality celebrates the 'European Mobility Week', held all over the world between 16-22 September, with various events.

Events will end on Friday, September 22; It started with Ankara Bicycle Council's 'Bicycle Ride' and 'Car-Free City Day'. As part of the events, Bahçelievler 7th Street was closed to traffic for a day, and the street hosted many events, from street artists to concerts, from zumba dance shows to Hacivat and Karagöz shows, and from music events to ABB City Orchestra Concerts.

Ankara Metropolitan Municipality EGO General Directorate is hosting a series of events in order to raise awareness that the bicycle is an effective and healthy means of transportation, due to the European Mobility Week covering 16-22 September.

The people of the capital also show great interest in the events specially prepared for the European Mobility Week, which is celebrated all over the world with the slogan "Discover Your City, Protect Your Future".


European Mobility Week events started with the "Bicycle Riding Event" of Ankara Bicycle Council on Bahçelievler 7th Street.

EGO General Manager Nihat Alkaş, who started the driving event, said: “European Mobility Week is a campaign launched by the European Commission in 2002 and carried out every year between 16-22 September. Car Free City Day is an event held this week. This year's theme of the week, which is celebrated with a different theme every year, was determined as 'Discover Your City - Protect Your Energy for the Future'. As Ankara Metropolitan Municipality EGO General Directorate, we will organize many events with this theme throughout the week. Members of the Bicycle Council started from Ankara Castle this morning. In keeping with the theme of our week, they have come here by exploring their city and they still have a ways to go. I want the roads to be open and the driving to be enjoyable.”


Bahçelievler 7th Avenue was closed to vehicle traffic for a day as part of the Car-Free Sunday event.

Citizens showed great interest in the event areas of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, which included many stands, from pottery making workshops to hand and face painting events for children, from electric bike sharing system promotion to flower distribution.

Many events took place on 7th Street, from street artists to music broadcasts for children, from zumba dance shows to Hacivat and Karagöz Middle Plays, from music events to ABB City Orchestra Concerts.