Get Your Moles Checked Before Going Out In The Sun

Get Your Moles Checked Before Going Out In The Sun
Get Your Moles Checked Before Going Out In The Sun

Batıgöz Balçova Surgical Medical Center Dermatology Specialist Dr. Rahime Kaşıkaralar warned against the dermatological damages of the sun. Drawing attention to childhood sunburns, Dermatology Specialist Dr. Rahime Kaşıkaralar, “Nevus is a skin lesion found in many people and popularly referred to as “me”. Although there are some with very different structures and appearances, they are predominantly 3-5 mm in size, slightly protruding from the skin, brown or black in color and harmless. While some may be congenital, it can also occur later. Nevus may be formed by the combination of pigments that give color to the skin, or it may be colorless. The frequency of their occurrence generally increases during adolescence, pregnancy, etc. hormonal change periods. Intense sunburn in childhood increases the risk of skin cancer in later life. Although it may be normal for moles to grow or change color periodically, it can also be a harbinger of unwanted disorders. used the phrase.

“Likewise, moles that bleed, itch or turn into wounds can also be a symptom of some ailments.” said Batıgöz Balçova Surgical Medical Center Dermatology Specialist. Rahime Kaşıkaralar continued as follows:

“Dermatoscopic mole follow-up by a specialist dermatologist is very important since it will not be possible to detect these changes at an adequate level personally. Apart from this, people who experience new mole formation after middle age, have more than fifty moles, have a history of very severe sunburn, especially in childhood, have a family history of skin cancer, have an immune disease or use drugs that affect the immune system, should also be followed.

Underlining the need for a doctor's examination during mole changes, Kaşıkaralar said, “With mole follow-up, skin cancer or other skin problems can be diagnosed at an early stage and the treatment can be carried out more effectively. Sun rays can increase the risk of skin cancers such as BCC, SCC, as well as skin cancer called Melanoma. Melanoma arises from the skin's pigment cells called melanocytes and is one of the deadliest types of cancer. Sun exposure can cause moles to grow and change.” said.

Batıgöz Balçova Surgical Medical Center Dermatology Specialist Dr. Rahime Kaşıkaralar emphasized that the harmful effects of the sun can be reduced by taking precautions such as wearing protective clothing, wearing a hat, using sunscreen and staying in shaded areas before going out in the sun.

Kaşıkaralar said, “The moles on the eyelid, joint area, etc. If it is located in areas that may be sensitive, irritation may occur. In order to prevent such situations, it is recommended to remove moles in these regions. Apart from this, the person may want to have the mole removed only on the grounds that he does not find it aesthetic. It is recommended that you see a dermatologist when you notice an unusual situation in any of your moles other than those listed. The physician with whom you are examined can provide the most accurate decision and guidance regarding the frequency of the examination or the decision to have a mole removed.” he said.