Gallbladder Diseases are More Common in Women

Gallbladder Diseases are More Common in Women
Gallbladder Diseases are More Common in Women

Uz. from Memorial Ankara Hospital Gastroenterology Department. Dr. Ömer Kurt gave information about the use of ERCP method in gallbladder and bile duct diseases.

It is observed more frequently in pregnant women and those using birth control pills.

Stating that liver and biliary tract diseases are more common in pregnant women and those using birth control pills, Uz said. Dr. Ömer Kurt, “The gallbladder, where the bile produced in the liver is stored, is in communication with the stomach and empties this bile into the duodenum to help digest the consumed foods. Different disorders may occur in the gallbladder or biliary tract from time to time. However, factors such as familial transmission, advanced age and obesity cause an increase in the incidence of the disease.

Stones, mud, and tumors can cause congestion and narrowing.

Uz. from Memorial Ankara Hospital Gastroenterology Department. Dr. Ömer Kurt continued his statements as follows:

“One of the disorders in the gallbladder is sludge and stones formed in the gallbladder. Mud and stones can block the outlet of the gallbladder in some cases. This blockage can cause severe pain due to the inability to empty the sac. The pressure created in the gallbladder pushes the stones and mud that block the outlet of the gallbladder up to the duodenum, that is, the bile duct, preventing the flow of bile into the intestine.

Underlining that tumors are another disease that can occur with regard to bile, Kurt said, “The tumors of the bile duct can develop in the duct-shaped section and block the way. However, tumors and lymph node enlargements that occur in neighboring organs can apply external pressure, narrowing the bile duct and preventing the flow of bile.

Painful abdominal pain is the most common symptom

Upset. Dr. Ömer Kurt Taş talked about the symptoms of gallbladder and biliary tract diseases and said, “Complaints in stenosis and obstruction caused by mud or tumors occur due to the obstruction of bile flow. Light-colored stools caused by the lack of bilirubin in the bile content and giving color to the stool, yellowing of the eyes and skin due to increased bilirubin in the blood, turning the urine color into dark tea, painful abdominal pain due to increased pressure in the bile duct, fever and fever due to infection that may occur. Shivering is among the symptoms of bile and biliary tract diseases.

Advanced imaging modalities aid diagnosis

“Patients with symptoms can be diagnosed with blood tests and imaging methods.” said Uz. Dr. Ömer Kurt, Diagnosis can be made with ultrasound, which is one of the imaging methods, and Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) or biliary tract MRI (MRCP) method may be required for bile duct evaluation in many patients. made its assessment.

The ERCP process can be repeated as needed

Stating that obstruction and stenosis caused by stones, mud and tumors in the bile duct are known as ERCP, Uz. Dr. Ömer Kurt, “It can be treated with the endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreaticography method. In the ERCP method, which is applied under anesthesia with a device similar to the device used in endoscopy, the duodenum of the patient is reached through the mouth. After confirming the accuracy of the entered place with a guide wire and x-rays taken instantly during the procedure, the level and location of the stenosis and obstruction are determined. The entry site is enlarged with an internal incision or balloon. If the reason for the process is stone and mud, various tools are advanced through the channel of the device and the stone and mud are removed. When the reason for the procedure is narrowing, a plastic or metallic stent is placed to widen the path. This process can be repeated if necessary. said.

Uz. from Memorial Ankara Hospital Gastroenterology Department. Dr. Ömer Kurt listed the ways to get rid of these diseases more comfortably with ERCP as follows:

  • ERCP is used for both diagnosis and treatment
  • Gallbladder and biliary tract diseases are treated in an interventional way without the need for major and difficult surgeries.
  • The patient is protected from organ and intestinal loss.
  • It is applied faster and easier than other alternative treatments.
  • Patients' recovery and hospital stays are shortened
  • Since there is no incision in the patient, complications such as wound healing, infection, pain and bleeding are lower.
  • Since general anesthesia is not used, the patient has a more comfortable process.
  • With a safe job, ERCP has become a routine practice that is tried first when necessary.