Uncertainties in Choices Can Increase People's Experiences of Negative Emotions

Uncertainties in Choices Can Increase People's Experiences of Negative Emotions
Uncertainties in Choices Can Increase People's Experiences of Negative Emotions

From Istanbul Okan University Hospital, Department of Psychology, Dr. cln. Ps. Müge Leblebicioğlu Arslan made statements about the psychological impact of the elections.

“Anything that is vague can cause anxiety in people.” Arslan said, “As uncertainty increases, the intensity of the anxiety experience may increase accordingly. It can be said that this election process we are in is one of the processes that exposes the voters to intense uncertainty. Choices can create thoughts that people's lives will get better and can make people feel more hopeful. This hope can be motivating for many people and increase motivation for the future. However, on the other hand, the uncertainty of the election results can increase the probability of people to experience negative emotions such as anxiety and stress before the election.

exp. cln. Ps. According to Müge Leblebicioğlu Arslan, the feelings of uncertainty experienced before the election, anxiety about the election results and uncertainty about what will happen in the future make the election process a source of stress for people. This causes symptoms such as sleep problems, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite or increased appetite in people.

Saying that people can be disappointed and have a demoralized experience, Dr. cln. Ps. Müge Leblebicioğlu Arslan said, “As in every competition, there will be winners and losers in elections. This means that for some of us, the results may not be as we hoped. In this case, people may be disappointed and feel demoralized. We can experience intense unhappiness and disappointment when all hope is tied to something that is not within our control, such as the election result, and the outcome is against our will. For some of us, this may even be the beginning of mental disorders such as depression or anxiety.” used the phrase.

“Remember that your psychological well-being is as important as the outcome of your choices in well-being.” Saying Arslan said:

“In this process, it is important to use news channels enough to get information. To cope with the anxiety of uncertainty, avoid constant exposure to negative content on social media and news channels. Limit communication and content that will increase your negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and stress. Take time for yourself and make more space for the activities you love. Practice activities and techniques that help reduce stress, such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises.
Be more socially active.

Share your feelings about the process with the people you love and trust around you. Continue to maintain your existing routines, such as exercising, eating at a set time, going to work or reading a book. Take care of your physical health as well as your mental health. Regular sleep, balanced diet and following the medications used, if any, are very important.

Be realistic and remind yourself that any outcome will not ruin people's lives. Make your election plans by taking into account every possibility so that you are not caught unprepared for a possible outcome that you did not expect.
Remind yourself of the resources you have to solve potential problems by remembering that problems are a part of human life.”

Emphasizing the importance of receiving psychotherapy support, Istanbul Okan University Hospital Psychology Department Specialist. cln. Ps. Müge Leblebicioğlu Arslan said, “Elections may be one of the times when we are exposed to challenging emotions, but we can cope with stress and protect our health by taking care of ourselves during this period. Despite all this, there is no change in your mood, on the contrary, if your negative emotions are increasing and you have difficulty in coping on your own, it will be important for your psychological well-being to receive psychotherapy support. he said.