USA Is The Biggest Threat To Global Cybersecurity

USA Is The Biggest Threat To Global Cybersecurity
USA Is The Biggest Threat To Global Cybersecurity

In a report published on April 11, the China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance (CCIA) revealed the negative effects of the US administration on global cybersecurity, with more than ten cyberattacks carried out around the world since 2010. According to the report, in 2010, the US administration carried out a cyber-attack on Iran's nuclear facilities using the computer virus Stuxnet. This attack was recorded as the first cyber-attack by a country's administration on another country's infrastructure facilities.

According to the report, the computer virus called WannaCry, which spread rapidly around the world in 2017, caused serious management crises in areas such as finance, energy and health and affected more than 150 countries. WannaCry virus is known as a computer virus used by the US National Security Agency (NSA).

In addition, the report prepared by the China National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and China's cyber security company 360, revealed the cyber attacks and attempts to steal confidential information carried out by the CIA in many countries, including China. In the report, it was stated that the CIA's attacks on infrastructure facilities, aerospace, scientific research institutions, petrochemicals, internet companies and government bodies in other countries were detected as early as 2011.

In the report, it was stated that CIA-related trojan horse viruses were detected in cyber attacks against China and these viruses were strictly standardized by the CIA. In addition, it was determined that the weapons used by the CIA in its cyber attacks comply with cyber espionage technology standards and have the ability to obtain sensitive data of other countries.

Given these events, the United States is committing large-scale, organized and indiscriminate cyber-attacks, surveillance, and information theft against governments, businesses, and citizens of other countries, violating ground rules in international law and relations. From Wikileaks to the PRISM project and from the Irritant Horn project to the Bvp47 project, from the encryption machine incident in Switzerland to the wiretapping incident against the leaders of European countries, from the Equation Group to the Quantum attack, the US has a bad record on cyber attacks. The cyber command of the US army made a statement in 2022 and announced that they aim to manage the cyber world.

According to the information given by Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, the USA has developed more than 2 cyber attack weapons to date. The USA, which ranks first in the world in terms of the number of cyber attack weapons, is the country that most deserves the title of "cyber attack empire". However, this country has declared that it will protect global cyber security under the name of "clean cyber world". This clearly shows the intention of the USA to establish hegemony in the cyber space.

Another ironic development is that the USA, the world's cyber attack empire, is portraying itself as the victim of cyber attacks and blaming other countries. The US consistently applies double standards when it comes to cyber-attacks, and in fact, "There's a thief!" it shows that he is actually the thief himself.

A relevant senior official of the US government, in his speech at the so-called Leaders' Democracy Summit on March 30, 2023, emphasized that the USA will determine the necessary standards together with allied countries so that the current technical developments comply with the values ​​of democracy and its interests. However, it is debatable that a country that attempts to wiretap its own citizens and even the leaders of at least 35 countries such as Germany, France and Brazil, that tries to control more than 3 million computers in China every year and infects more than 4 Chinese websites, has the right to blame other countries.

In recent years, the USA has tried to generalize the concept of national security continuously in order to protect its own political hegemony and has imposed sanctions on the leading cyber security companies of other countries. For example, the US Department of Commerce announced on May 22, 2020 that they will restrict exports and imports to 360 Chinese companies, such as Beijing Computer Science Research Center and 33 Corporation. Such initiatives of the USA have created a great obstacle to rational technology exchange and cooperation between countries, harmed the development of global informatics and led to the division in the cyber world.

In a statement to the press, Paul Vixie, the world's leading computer expert, emphasized that the United States should give importance not only to the cybersecurity of its own citizens, but also to the cybersecurity of all humanity. As the cyber environment is the common home of humanity, cyber attacks are the common threat of the countries of the world. The US's oppressive attitude in the cyber environment draws criticism from all the peoples of the world, and the US's effort to blame other countries for the cyber attack will ultimately fail.