Patent Application Record from Vocational High Schools

Patent Application Record from Vocational High Schools
Patent Application Record from Vocational High Schools

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer emphasized the importance of vocational high schools in domestic and national production and said, “As a result of the efforts to create intellectual and industrial property awareness in vocational and technical education institutions, to register and commercialize original products, projects and designs, the number of patent, utility model, design and trademark applications. Compared to 2020, it reached 8 thousand 254 from 20 in the first quarter of this year with an increase of 347 thousand percent. The number of registrations increased from 3 to 800 with an increase of 63 percent. said.

Included in the Eleventh Development Plan (2019-2023) by the Ministry of National Education, “Students will be encouraged to apply for inventions, patents and utility models.” In line with its goal, studies on the original work of students and teachers in vocational and technical education institutions, protecting the intellectual and industrial property rights of new products and designs, and raising awareness in schools on this issue continue increasingly.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer, in his evaluation of the activities of vocational high schools in this regard, due to the fact that today is the 26th April World Intellectual Property Day, said that mobilization has been carried out in vocational and technical education, as in all levels of education, in the last twenty years.

Noting that the most important factor in the development of countries is to ensure the spread of intellectual property culture related to patents, utility models, brands and designs, Özer said: “Creating intellectual and industrial property awareness in vocational and technical education institutions; We work day and night with all our friends for the registration and commercialization of original products, projects and designs. As a result of the studies carried out, the number of patent, utility model, design and trademark applications increased by 2020 thousand percent from 8 to 254 thousand 20 in the first quarter of this year compared to 347. The number of registrations increased from 3 to 800 with an increase of 63 percent.

Özer stated that 184 registered products were commercialized and that with this, more than 200 million income was provided to the revolving fund of vocational and technical education institutions.