Ottoman Heirloom Anatolian Fortress Opened to Visit

Ottoman Heirloom Anatolian Fortress Opened to Visit
Ottoman Heirloom Anatolian Fortress Opened to Visit

İBB has completed the projects including the restoration of the Anatolian Fortress, an Ottoman heirloom, and put it into the service of the residents of Beykoz and Istanbul. Speaking at the Beykoz Investments Promotion Ceremony held for the projects, the President of IMM and Ekrem İmamoğluHe stated that they removed partisanship from the municipality. Noting that the only purpose of the nation alliance is to unite and bring the nation together, İmamoğlu said, "The practice of this government is that those who voted for us did not vote for us. Those from that party, those from this party. Let those who vote for me be abad, and those who don't, get rid of it. We need to get rid of this mindset, this nation, this nation's children as soon as possible." Saying, “We do not want any of our young people to be separated,” İmamoğlu said, “Someone may say that I have parted ways. May the road be clear. But the voters interest me. No young friend of mine will part with this path. We want young people with us," he said.

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) President Ekrem İmamoğluBeykoz was the third address of the '300 Projects in 300 Days' service marathon on the same day. Attending the "Beykoz Investments Promotion Ceremony", İmamoğlu's meeting with the people of Beykoz passed like a rally. CHP Parliamentary Group Deputy Chairman Engin Altay, CHP Deputy Chairman Honorary Adıgüzel, Saadet Party Deputy Chairman Birol Aydın and representatives of the Nation Alliance parties from the Istanbul Provincial administration attended the program.


At the beginning of his speech, İmamoğlu read the banner "Ekrem, long live the mother who gave birth to you" and said, "I set out in Istanbul with these beautiful prayers. I will never forget the prayers of these beautiful mothers, sisters and ladies. They are here and with me. I receive your pure prayers. I feel strong. You know, sometimes they say 'don't you ever get tired'. I swear I'm not tired. Because your love feeds me. And your prayers. Please don't give up on prayer. Say to those who did not vote; Ekrem İmamoğlu He says he wants your prayer even if you don't vote. I am willing to pray," he said.


Listing the investments made in the district and the works won, İmamoğlu said, “Anadolu Fortress has been out of use since the 18th century. After the 19th century, it was left to its fate. Although it has undergone repair work, it has not been at the desired level. That's why you will enjoy and enjoy the restoration that we inaugurated today. It made me very happy to transfer this ancestral heirloom to the next generations and to deal with this issue, which is one of our main duties, and to succeed in this process. I am very happy to stick to that. It suits Beykoz as well.

I swear we ripped it off

In the continuation of İmamoğlu's speech, the prominent topics were as follows: “What did we finish first in Istanbul? Look, let me tell you, we're done with partisanship. I said; We will dismantle partisanship in every part of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. I swear we dismantled it, we threw it away, and we threw it away. We did not treat any human being any different. Do you know what the path of the Nation Alliance is today? This is the way to unite the people of this country. The way to unite and act together.”


The restoration works of Anadolu Hisarı Castle, built by Yıldırım Bayezid, have been completed. Anadolu Hisarı Museum was brought to Istanbul with its indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. The Çubuklu Urban Transformation Project, which concerns thousands of people, was also initiated. While the İSKİ, Göksu and Küçüksu Streams Life Water Project was implemented, seedlings, mulch plastic and fertilizer support were provided to the producers in Beykoz. While boat maintenance materials are being distributed to the fishermen, the works at Beykoz Institute Istanbul İSMEK and Kavacık Regional Employment Office are progressing at full speed.”