Who is Turkey's First Space Passenger Alper Gezeravcı? How old is Alper Gezeravcı and where is he from?

Who is Turkey's First Space Passenger Alper Gezeravcı How old is Alper Gezeravcı and where is he from?
Who is Turkey's First Space Passenger Alper Gezeravcı How old is Alper Gezeravcı and where is he from?

On the third day of TEKNOFEST, a critical statement came from President Erdogan. The question of who will go to space has been answered. The first space traveler was Alper Gezeravcı. Research began immediately after the announcement. The question of who is Alper Gezeravcı, who is entitled to go to space after training for Turkey's domestic and national project, is being investigated. After the important announcement, the lives and careers of two space travelers are investigated. So, how old is Alper Gezeravcı, where is he from, what does he do?

Who is Alper Gezeravci?

Alper Gezeravcı, who will go into space, is an important Turkish pilot who has achieved significant success in the Air Force Command.

Gezeravcı, who studied Electronics Engineering at the Air Force Academy, has a master's degree in Operations Research from the US Air Force Institute of Technology.

Having served the Air Force Command for 21 years, Gezeravcı is an F-16 pilot. Alper Gezeravcı, who will be Turkey's first astronaut, is the Standardized Fleet Academic Branch Commander in the Air Force.

In this mission, space travelers will perform 13 different experiments prepared by our country's valuable universities and research institutions.