What are Mobile Health Scans? How is it done?

What is Mobile Health Scans and How Is It Done
What is Mobile Health Scans How to Do

mobile health scans, analyzes and reviews, both at regular intervals and as needed. Mobile scans are performed with the help of circulating occupational health tools. Health screenings are carried out in accordance with the job descriptions of the employees.

How to Perform Mobile Health Screening?

These scans are carried out using vehicles with the necessary equipment and technical equipment. Mobile vehicles provide great convenience when certain groups need to receive health services collectively. Considering the needs of the working area, processes such as hearing tests, different blood analyzes and carrier examinations are carried out.

Mobile Health Screening Definition

According to various laws and regulations determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, some measures should be taken within the scope of occupational health and safety (OHS).

Protecting the health of employees is very important. The likelihood of death and injury can be significantly reduced when risk analysis is undertaken and appropriate precautions are taken. At the same time, a legal obligation is fulfilled.

Regular screenings are of great importance for the protection and improvement of employee health. The provision of health services, especially for large groups, can be carried out practically and quickly with the mobile scanning method.

It is used as an expression that includes mobile, portable and roaming, and these scans are performed with the mobile health tool.

Mobile health services may vary depending on the industry. For example, in a work environment with close contact with people and foodstuffs, carrier exams can be an important control element. Thanks to this examination, it is determined whether the individual has an active infection.

Mobile Health Screening Tools

Mobile scanning tool is the tools that have the necessary infrastructure and technical equipment, where various health applications and scans are made. With these tools, it is possible to carry out regular health checks and to identify occupational diseases. So, what are the health services offered with a screening tool?

  1. Audiometry (hearing test): Thanks to this test, which is performed to detect hearing problems, a more effective treatment can be provided by taking appropriate health measures in a timely manner.
  2. Pulmonary function test: The level of lung regurgitation is determined by measuring the air volume in the lung.
  3. Lung chart: With this method, it becomes possible to diagnose some important diseases.
  4. Vaccine applications: Vaccine applications performed according to the needs of the sector. Vaccines are carried by cold chain and vaccines such as tetanus, hepatitis and flu can be administered.
  5. Laboratory investigations: It includes various blood tests such as hemogram, liver function tests, blood group analysis and urinalysis.
  6. Visual impairment and color blindness screenings: It is the examination for the diagnosis of various visual disorders and color blindness.
  7. Carrier scans: to work These screenings, which are repeated at the beginning or at certain intervals, are carried out for the detection of infectious diseases originating from microorganisms.

Mobile Health Screening Regulation

The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Medical Examinations for the Health Surveillance of Employees, prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, was published in the Official Gazette No. 31725.

This regulation was created for the purpose of carrying out mobile health screenings and regulating practices within the scope of occupational health and safety.

Regulation; joint health and safety units, workplace health and safety units and employee health centers and medical examinations performed in these places. Some of the methods and principles we can list in this context are as follows;

  1. Rules regarding mobile occupational health vehicle and fixed medical examination venues
  2. General requirements for mobile occupational health vehicles
  3. General requirements for fixed medical examination venues
  4. Procedures and principles related to medical examinations
  5. Application and work permit processes
  6. Inspections and sanctions

SATEM Mobile Health is always at your service for occupational health and safety! You can contact us to meet your needs such as mobile occupational health vehicle, workplace doctor or OHS specialist with a professional team.

Mobile Health Screenings

In accordance with the regulations prepared on the basis of the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, it is obligatory to take OHS measures in Turkey. Ensuring the safety of employees and workplaces brings many advantages. We can list these advantages as follows;

  1. The risk of death or injury to workers is significantly reduced.
  2. Increases business continuity/efficiency.
  3. Action plans can be prepared for emergencies.
  4. Possible risks are detected early.
  5. Employees become conscious through training.
  6. The likelihood of sectoral risks such as fire, explosion or falling from a height is reduced.
  7. Healthcare spending falls.
  8. The risk of occupational diseases is reduced.

In addition, regular health screenings are important in terms of detecting various risks.

So, how is mobile health screening done?

You can get this service from SATEM Mobile Health Company. A mobile vehicle, necessary medical equipment and relevant health personnel are needed for screening.