Frequently Asked Questions About Cancer Disease and Their Answers

Curious Questions and Answers About Cancer Disease
Frequently Asked Questions About Cancer Disease and Their Answers

Professor from the Department of General Surgery at Memorial Ataşehir and Hizmet Hospital. Dr. Bülent Çitgez answered the most frequently asked questions about cancer due to "1-7 April Cancer Week".

The incidence of cancer is increasing day by day in our country as well as all over the world. Patients are curious about many issues about cancer, which ranks second after cardiovascular diseases in terms of causing a life-threatening risk. Professor from the Department of General Surgery at Memorial Ataşehir and Hizmet Hospital. Dr. Bülent Çitgez answered the most frequently asked questions about cancer due to "1-7 April Cancer Week".

1. What should I do to detect cancer early?

The symptoms of each cancer are different. Symptoms may vary depending on the organ where the cancer is located and the function of the organ in the body. For example, while breast cancer patients apply because of a mass in the breast, colon cancer consults a doctor with complaints of anemia and constipation. In order to detect cancer early, it is vital to carry out routine health checks at certain periods. It is also important to carry out routine controls according to age and risk group.

2.Do breast masses turn into cancer?

Not every mass in the breast is cancer, and not every mass turns into cancer. However, it is important to consult a breast surgeon and have the necessary radiological controls done without losing time in sudden and rapidly developing and growing masses. As with any cancer, the earlier the diagnosis is made in breast cancer, the more effective the treatment.

3.Can pets be fed during the treatment process?

There is no harm in feeding pets, provided that they are vaccinated and hygiene is ensured during the cancer treatment process. It can even be said that the strong emotional bond established between patients and pets positively affects the treatment process.

4. Does the risk of infection increase during treatment? How should he take precautions?

The immune system can be suppressed, especially depending on the drugs taken during chemotherapy treatment. For this reason, patients may inevitably become vulnerable to infectious agents. During this period, it is important to stay away from the crowd and wear a mask, especially in winter. In the summer months, the midday sun should be avoided.

5. Does cancer treatment reduce the probability of having children in young patients??

Since chemotherapy reduces the egg reserve, especially in young women, the chance of pregnancy decreases, but this does not mean that these patients cannot have children. The risk of not having a child is higher in patients close to menopause. In the treatment process, measures such as egg collection and freezing can be taken in order to increase the probability of having a child. In this way, the chance of pregnancy at the end of the treatment increases with the in vitro fertilization method.

6. Does the pain of the mass in the breast indicate that it is malignant?

Not every mass in the breast causes pain. Cystic lesions in the breast and mastitis called mastitis can be a source of pain. However, when a mass is detected in the breast, whether or not there is pain, examination and radiological evaluation are required.

7.Can patients receiving cancer treatment go abroad or travel?

Whether or not the patient can travel during the treatment period may vary depending on the stage of the disease and the suitability of the person's immune system. If the patient's immune system is suitable, there is no harm in traveling.

8.Is it risky to get pregnant during or after chemotherapy? 

Chemotherapy can be taken during pregnancy. However, pregnancy is not highly recommended, especially right after the end of breast cancer treatment. Hormonal increases during pregnancy can trigger breast cancer.

9. What should be considered in nutrition during the cancer treatment process?

In fact, nutrition is not at the forefront of cancer treatment and etiology. However, it is necessary to stay away from ready-made and packaged foods, foods containing preservatives, smoked, pickled and burned foods. As much as possible, seasonal and naturally obtained foods should be consumed. It is the right approach to consume whichever food is most suitable and abundant in its season. Consuming tomatoes and watermelons in summer and oranges in winter can be given as an example.

10. Should soy products be avoided in patients with breast cancer? Should we check for soy in every product we buy?

Soy and soy products have an estrogenic effect. For this reason, it is beneficial to stay away from soy and foods containing soy products, especially in patients with risk factors and/or people receiving breast cancer treatment.