What is HPV? What are the Ways of Protection?

What is HPV and What are the Ways of Prevention?
What is HPV and What are the Ways of Prevention?

Gynecologist, Sex Therapist, Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Op.Dr.Esra Demir Yüzer gave important information about the subject.

Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) are very common, asymptomatic and contagious DNA viruses and one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. HPV infection is also seen with increasing frequency in our country. It creates serious health problems in both men and women. According to the data of the World Health Organization, 10 out of every 1 people has HPV. An adult has an 50% risk of contracting HPV infection by the age of 80. Mostly, the age of infection is between 15-25 years old. Most of the time, after infection, it does not show any symptoms and is completely cleared from the body by the immune system without treatment within 2-3 years.

What is HPV?

There are over 100 types of HPV. While some of these tubes cause warts, some cause cancer in the male and female reproductive system organs. In women, they can cause cancer in the cervix (cervix), vagina (fertility tract) and vulva (fertility entrance). In men, they can cause anus and penile cancer. HPV types that cause warts are 6 and 11. Warts do not turn into cancer. HPV type 16-18, which often causes cervical cancer, is XNUMX-XNUMX.

What are the symptoms of warts?

Warts can appear on the hands and feet, in the trachea, in the mouth, on the lips, and on the genitals. Warts are cauliflower-like, painless, flesh-colored, white or black, partially hard masses, sometimes as small as a pinhead, sometimes as small as a pinhead, sometimes up to 1-2 in diameter, in a single area or in several areas.

How is HPV Transmitted? How Can We Be Protected?

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is transmitted by mutual contact of the infected skin area during sexual intercourse or by hand contact. The risk of transmission increases if there are multiple sexual partners. Condoms do not have absolute protection, because it is not possible to completely cover the infected skin.

Although there is no absolute protection, condom use is recommended before each intercourse. Cervical cancer screening tests (pap test) should continue to be applied even if the vaccine is given. 10-20% of the infection remains in the body. In this case, it creates cervical cancer or precancerous disease. However, the time of emergence of this type of cancer-related condition is about 15-20 years. For this reason, screening programs are important and very valuable in determining the developing cancer or its precursors.

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