What Is Kintsugi How Was Kintsugi Born What Is Kintsugi's Purpose?

What Is Kintsugi How Was Kintsugi Born What Is Kintsugi's Purpose?

What Is Kintsugi How Was Kintsugi Born What Is Kintsugi's Purpose?

In today's world where perfection is very important, did you know that there is a tradition in which defects are repaired by highlighting them in the most spectacular way possible? Although it is a common view to think that a cracked, broken item or object is no longer as valuable as it used to be, this is actually not true. Because at this point, Kintsugi comes into play and shows how to be stronger from a broken place.

What is Kintsugi?

Kintsugi, in its most general definition, is the art of reassembling broken items using gold. In other words, it is not only repairing an object whose existence has been damaged by breaking, its integrity has been damaged and perhaps unusable, but also adding value to it and making it more valuable. E.g; a simple ceramic plate broke and broke into multiple pieces. These pieces were reassembled using gold, in line with the Kintsugi philosophy. In this case, the ceramic plate becomes much more valuable than it was before it broke. First of all, gold, which is a precious metal, increases the material value of the plate, while art and skillful joining techniques are also involved. In addition, the plate becomes a whole that has lived and reborn from the breaking of many pieces.

How Was Kintsugi Born?

The known history of Kintsugi dates back to the 15th century. According to the rumor, a teacup loved by Ashikoga "Shogun" Yoshimasa, the army commander who ruled Japan, broke and the commander sent this cup to China to be repaired. The cup, which was repaired with a metal stapler considering the conditions of the period, does not please the commander. After this cup, which was repaired in a way that is far from aesthetic and only working, the Japanese search for a different and aesthetic ceramic repair. Japanese artisans focus and get to work through the design thinking process to create work the commander will love. This work is shaped by the aim of producing an aesthetically rich cup as the commander wishes and to strengthen this bond by considering the commander's belongings and loyalty. When the work is finished, the cup becomes even more beautiful than before. Thus, the word "Kintsugi", which is formed by the use of the words "Kin" meaning gold and "Tsugi" meaning to unite, gives its name to this philosophy.

What Is the Purpose of Kintsugi?

Although Kintsugi is an art revealed through matter, it contains a deep philosophy. According to the Kintsugi philosophy, nothing that is broken, deteriorated or lost its former form loses its value. On the contrary, if you want to fix something, it is possible to make it much more valuable and special than before. Emphasizing the simplicity of Japanese philosophy and transformation instead of waste, Kintsugi is a very deep philosophy.

This philosophy, which aims to add a completely different value to the goods as well as to repair the fracture, draws attention to human relations. Sometimes we hurt the people we love and care about and regret it. There is a rather classic phrase at this point: “Can you restore a broken vase?” According to the Kintsugi philosophy, if enough effort is made and every damaged point is repaired meticulously and delicately, the vase becomes much better and more valuable than before.

It's Possible to Improve Life

Ceramics are actually strong, beautiful, but just as fragile as humans. From time to time, there may be processes that leave deep traces in human life and are thought to be impossible to repair, but overcoming them and repairing broken places with much more valuable and strong ties is also a part of life. By applying the Kintsugi philosophy, you can discover how you can heal yourself and repair your broken places. Learning self-breathing exercises or doing transcendental meditation can be your guide on your journey to awareness and help you overcome your vulnerabilities.

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