It was a Personal Pool İmamoğlu Presented to Youth

It was a Personal Pool İmamoğlu Presented to Youth

It was a Personal Pool İmamoğlu Presented to Youth

İPA transformed the section, which was used as a “private” pool during the former İBB administration, into a “public space” with a new design. IMM President Ekrem İmamoğluspoke at the “Youth Workshop” held in the area they transformed under the name of 'IPA Pool'. Inviting the young people to contribute in every aspect of the city, İmamoğlu said, "I normally experience the strange irony of being with hundreds of young people on a Sunday, swimming in a world that dreams of not swimming in a swimming pool with a few people, but of the future with you." Inviting the youth to contribute to IPA, and therefore to Istanbul, İmamoğlu said, “Please come here and let's create the future of Istanbul together. Let's strengthen your future. I believe we will succeed together,” he said.

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) organization Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA) brought together young people between the ages of 14-25 from different social groups in a workshop titled "Istanbul Meeting of Youth". The workshop was held in a state where the "private" pool, located in the area used as the "Presidential Residence" during the former IMM administration, was arranged as an "amphitheater" by the new IMM administration and turned into a public space. IMM President Ekrem İmamoğlu, with its new form and name, met with the youth at the event held in “IPA Pool”. Answering the questions from the youth, İmamoğlu called on the participants, "You should direct what I want to happen in this city".


Saying, “We attach great importance to this vision and perspective of IMM,” İmamoğlu said, “We created the IPA. Now it gets even richer with you. Istanbul is one of the most influential cities in the world. I am living this. It has an extraordinary influence not only with its population of twenty million, but also with its history and its name. If there is a negative process in this city, believe me, that negative position also affects the other side negatively. If there is a positive emotion here, it can also affect the world with its positive side.” Citing the “B40 Summit”, hosted by Istanbul, as an example, which was formed by local administrators from Balkan cities, İmamoğlu said that different cities would also aspire to the summit in the coming years. “This city has such an effect,” said İmamoğlu, “This needs to grow even more. Don't think that Istanbul only affects our country, it affects the world as well," he said.


Saying, "You may have thoughts about the future in science, art, sports, and even politics," İmamoğlu said, "I want us to define a process here by putting our heads together. Let me go even further. I want the young people of this city to be the main pillar, basic elements, even the owners of the Istanbul Planning Agency. Please make this claim. This is not ours, take care of it. In every area, in every environment, intellectual, mental, operational, functional, productive… Take care of this place with every element you can think of. Own this place. You should be. I especially invite the universities of Istanbul here. I invite the clubs of universities here. I invite high schools. We are waiting for them here. Come, reach the contact points of IPA in this sense. Connect here”.


"E.g; Let's face something like this in May, in June," said İmamoğlu, and described his dream as follows:

“Let's discuss the future artistic identity of Istanbul in a meadow, in a part. In another part, the aesthetics of Istanbul will be discussed. In another section, how Istanbul will prepare for the Olympics will be discussed. This month, I will go to the President of the World Olympic Committee in March to convey our serious intention, our serious intention that we have been preparing for for a year, and convey myself personally. I will say, 'Brother, we want to bring the Olympics to Istanbul in 2036'; e.g. In other words, let the Olympic volunteers of Istanbul sit here and talk about the future of sports. Let Istanbul talk about the future of science. Let's talk about the future of Istanbul regarding technology and the digital future in another building. I would very much like it to be embraced by you all. This city needs to be fair. This city should be green and this city should stand out with its creative identity. You are the source. I sincerely believe that we will create such a city together.”


Noting that the ruling part of politics is above a certain age, İmamoğlu said:

“It is the same in the world. I'm not just speaking for our country. But societies like ours are much younger than many societies. In fact, there is a 10-15 year age difference on average. In other words, Istanbul does not look as young as it actually is. That view on the showcase also needs to be changed. In this context, solid channels and solid bridges must be established. This is such a bridge, such a canal. Please come here and let's create the future of Istanbul together. Let's strengthen your future. I believe we will succeed together. Great power guys. Believe me, their feelings, designs, behaviors, perceptions, perspectives, honesty, justice and conscience… I mean, when I just look at you, when I see you as an age group, I don't say this. Believe that even our children, who are much younger than you, have a very high sensitivity in terms of their future perspectives. That's why I think that in this period, we need to prepare you for the future, so to speak, together with you, and entrust processes and management to you. I am here with these feelings. And I, of course, experience the strange irony of being with hundreds and thousands of young people, swimming in a world that normally imagines the future with you, rather than swimming in a swimming pool with a few people in this area on a Sunday today.”


Saying "May success with you, health and peace be with you", İmamoğlu told the youth, "Be resilient. You felt safe. Because the assurance is you. This city and this country have millions of young people. We have a homeland that we love very much. The values ​​of this country are very strong. Their historical civilization is very strong. In that respect, we are in a beautiful country that will keep us together, make very strong actions, and accomplish great things. So please keep your trust at the highest level. Keep your hopes high. Because I feel that way despite all the negativity around us. There is a war on our side. Of course, we wish that war to end as soon as possible. But believe me, a very strong Turkey, a chirpy Turkey that produces very well, with the mind, science, art, culture and every element of life, transmits democracy, freedom, peace and tranquility to its surroundings and has a power to prevent many negativities. For this reason, your responsibility is not only for yourself, your responsibility is not only for your family, your responsibility is not only for your city Istanbul or your responsibility is not only for our country, our beautiful paradise, Turkey. Do not forget that if you do good deeds, you will do well to the world with your good sense of responsibility.”

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