The first train to Tianjin port is on its way

The first train to go to Tianjin port is on its way: With the terminal expansion of the Olon-Оvoo train station in the Dalanjargalan district of Dornogobi province, the Ulanbator Railway company will have the opportunity to generate 8 billion 865 million MNT per month.

The first coal-laden train from Mongolia to China's Tianjin port departed yesterday. Previously, the coal would go to China's city of Erlan and reload it to another train, but this time the train will arrive directly to Tianjin port and the coals will be sold there. As of today, the 200-300 wagon coal exports are shipped in the day from the ışıl-Ovoo train station.

In 2016, 2847 wagons or 189 thousand tons of coal were loaded from China to X Оlon-Ovoo X station and 2017 was loaded with 3 wagons or 3780 thousand tons of coal in the first 249 of the year with the introduction of the new terminal. The full capacity of the terminal will be coal loading up to 300 wagons per day, and will be able to generate 8 billion 865 million MNT per month.

The operation of the terminal's 2 operation will be completed in June of 2017.

Source : I

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