Cat Road assembly on Bay Bridge in progress

Installation of cat lanes on the Gulf Bridge continues: After the catwalk ropes of the Orhangazi Izmir Highway Project were broken down in March, catwalk ropes were re-pulled and the 'Cat road' installation started.

It was stated that the installation of the catnew which was carried out at equal distances in order to maintain the balance at the start and cut of both feet between Hersek and Dilburnu and completed the 10 in 1 will be completed at the end of July and then the assembly of the decks will be started. When completed, the steel ropes, which were taken at the beginning of last February, which were taken at the Gulf Bridge, the most important crossing point of the motorway project, which will reduce the Istanbul-Izmir highway journey to 3.5 hours, were installed with catwalk and the catwalk mounted on the 21 March. Bay.

The steel ropes in both directions were lowered together with all the fasteners and the new ones were manufactured abroad due to the fact that although the line on one side was broken, the fasteners on the other side were manufactured in the same place and also damaged the other line. Shooting of these ropes started in early June. Izmit Bay ship entry and exit traffic in terms of safety during the 1 08.00-18.00 hours were stopped. After the end of the rope, the installation was started on the cat.

If there was no rupture, it would be passed by walking.

If there was no rupture at the connection point on the bridge leg in Cape Hercegovina and the works were not interrupted, the bridge would now be able to walk over. However, 3 was rebuilt at the beginning of June with a monthly waste of time due to rope pulling and catapulting work initiated in February. Only the 10 to 1 could be completed on the bridge, the cat path assembly, which is now equally maintained to maintain balance in both foot spacing and in the middle. This assembly work will be completed at the end of July at the earliest. Thanks to this catwalk, which will enable the engineers and workers to walk, the actual thick steel ropes will be mounted to carry the decks over which the vehicles will pass. Then the decks will be placed.

Junction Arrangements

During this lost time, the firm also made the evacuation of vehicles to the Gulf Bridge. Rough constructions on the connecting roads were also completed. From the entrance of TEM and D-100 Highway to Gebze, bridges and junctions have been reorganized accordingly. Authorities, broken ropes and fasteners due to the reconstruction and installation of the 3 monthly loss of time due to the end of the year, but still trying to raise the bridge said.

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