Privatization Action by Railway Workers in Gaziantep

Privatization Action from Railway Workers in Gaziantep: Railway workers in Gaziantep protested the privatization practices of railways.

The group of 50 people gathered at the Gaziantep Station at noon with foreign currency and banners, protested the privatization practices of railways. Speaking on behalf of the workers supported by CHP Gaziantep Provincial President MEHMET GÖKDAĞ and some union representatives, the United Secretariat of Transport Employees (BTS) General Education and Organization Secretary İshak Kocabıyık said that the privatization of railways will make them victimized. State Railways of the Republic of Turkey argues that political allies of the individuals assigned Karabıyık said:

“After the enactment of the Railway Law, which aims to eliminate the liquidation of TCDD and the vested rights of the employees, in our meetings and meetings with TCDD executives, we have expressed our concerns about the future of the staff and whether any action is taken against this issue, and whether any action is taken against anyone. it was stated that nothing would happen. In the past 12 years, as many of the country's profitable economic institutions have been drawn to the capital, basic public services have been largely commercialized, paid and unqualified. ”

Kocabıyık noted that the privatization of the railway workers will create troublesome periods, adding that they will continue their struggle against privatization. After the press release, the group threw the slogans and broke up on the railway.

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