Who is Hakan Altıner? How old is Hakan Altıner and where is he from?

Hakan AltınerHe is a successful actor born in Istanbul on May 9, 1952. Altıner, who graduated from Istanbul Boys' High School, completed his education at Istanbul University Faculty of Law and Istanbul Municipal Conservatory Theater Department. He started his acting career with Kent Actors in 1974 and took part in theater stages for many years.

Hakan Altıner's Theater Career

Altıner served as the director of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality City Theaters and staged many important plays. He made a name for himself in the theater world with plays such as "Sarıpınar 1914", "Wren", "Dancing Donkey" and "Gazete Gazete".

Hakan Altıner's Television and Cinema Career

Altıner, who took part in successful projects such as "Kurtuluş", "Hayat Bilgisi", "İstanbullu Gelin" and "Maraşlı" in the television world, also took part in important films such as "Son" and "Cumhuriyet" in the cinema field. In recent years, he has given remarkable performances in projects such as “My Heroic Father” and “Some Interesting Events”.

How old is Hakan Altıner?

Hakan AltınerHe was born on May 9, 1952 and is 72 years old. Throughout his long and successful career, he made significant contributions to Turkish cinema and took part in unforgettable roles. He has won the love of the audience as one of the permanent figures of Turkish cinema.