43 Kütahya

Murat Mountain Ski Resort

Frightening Fire in Murat Mountain Ski Resort: Prefabricated cafeteria and 4 warehouses in Murat Mountain Ski Resort in Kütahya's Gediz district, which is thought to have started from the stove chimney. [more…]

14 Bolu

Skiing hungry

Skiing makes you hungry: You have been skiing all day long in the snow-covered mountains and you are hungry. It's time to fill your stomach. Bursa's Iskender Kebab, Bolu's juicy pot dishes, Erzurum's cağ kebab, [more…]

18 Cankiri

Vacation Density in Yıldıztepe

Holiday Business in Yıldıztepe: Yıldıztepe Ski Center, one of Turkey's important winter tourism centers, is busy on the first day of the semester break. Go skiing with your children due to the start of the semester break. [more…]

16 Bursa

Citizens in Bursa react to BURULAŞ

Citizens in Bursa are reacting to BURULAŞ: Citizens in Bursa started a campaign on social media saying "ticket sales offices at Bursaray stations should be opened and kiosks should be replaced". Old wagons in Bursa, constantly increasing prices and [more…]

06 Ankara

The train arrived

The train arrived on the road: The train locomotive, which was intended to be loaded onto a special tow truck in the capital, got stuck on the overpass in Gimat. The other day, traveling from Anadolu Boulevard towards the Ring Road. [more…]

Intercity Railways

3 Overpass TCDD Tender

3 Overpass Tender from TCDD: TCDD will build overpasses to eliminate the risk of accidents at 3 important level crossings in Malatya, one of these crossings is the Northern Belt. [more…]


Gaziantep to meet with high-speed train

Gaziantep will meet the high-speed train: Minister Yıldırım: We have been opening roads all over Turkey for 13 years. Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Binali Yıldırım has been everywhere in Turkey for 13 years. [more…]