Rapid Decay of Milk Teeth Poses a Risk for Permanent Teeth

Rapid Decay of Milk Teeth Poses a Risk for Permanent Teeth
Rapid Decay of Milk Teeth Poses a Risk for Permanent Teeth

Üsküdar University Üsküdar Dental Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Lecturer Member Şebnem Nezahat Koçan evaluated the issue of dental care for babies.

Experts emphasized that dental care for babies should begin when the teeth begin to erupt. Üsküdar University Üsküdar Dental Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Lecturer Member Şebnem Nezahat Koçan stated that rapid decay of milk teeth may also pose a risk for permanent teeth.

Dr. recommends wiping the mouth of babies whose teeth have not yet erupted with a clean cloth after feeding. Lecturer Member Şebnem Nezahat Koçan said, “In this way, food residues will be removed from the environment. This practice will be useful in preventing gum infections and preventing harmful bacteria from settling in the mouth. Dental care for babies should begin while the teeth are erupting. Cleaning teeth with finger brushes or toothbrushes made for babies is effective in preventing cavities.” said.

Dr. stated that if milk teeth decay quickly, there is an oral environment prone to decay. Lecturer Member Şebnem Nezahat Koçan continued as follows:

“In this case, if precautions are not taken, permanent teeth also face the risk of decay. Decayed baby teeth can also cause the alignment of permanent teeth to be disrupted. It may cause lack of space and lead to confusion. "We cannot say that poorly cared for milk teeth guarantee problems in permanent teeth, but we can say that they increase the likelihood of problems in permanent teeth."

Tooth brushing without paste can be done up to 1,5-2 years of age.

Noting that teeth should be brushed after every feeding and before sleeping, Koçan said, “Brushing without paste can be done until the age of 1,5-2. Brushing can be done by laying the baby down or holding it on the parents' lap.” he said.

A dentist examination is recommended every 6 months

Dr. Koçan stated that childhood is a period when it is easier to acquire habits and suggested that parents encourage their children to acquire the habit of brushing their teeth.

Pointing out that it is difficult for parents to notice dental problems when they are young, Dr. Lecturer Member Şebnem Nezahat Koçan said, “For this reason, we recommend a dentist examination every 6 months in order to solve the problems before they escalate and with simpler treatments.” said.