Factors That Increase the Risk of Lung Cancer

Factors That Increase the Risk of Lung Cancer
Factors That Increase the Risk of Lung Cancer

Prof. from Istanbul Okan University Hospital. Dr. Ümmügül Çözümtürk shared important information about lung cancer. Memberturk stated that the most important cause is long-term exposure to cigarettes (tobacco smoke), but factors such as genetic factors, radon gas, asbestos and air pollution are also held responsible for the formation of this disease.

Memberturk emphasized that smoking is the main cause of lung cancer and stated that long-term smoking is responsible for 85-90 percent of the disease. Memberturk stated that the risk of lung cancer in smokers is 20-40 times higher than in never-smokers, and that the harmful effects begin to decrease with smoking cessation, but the risk continues even after 15-25 years.

radon gas

Pointing out that radon gas is also an important risk factor, Memberturk said, “Although lung cancer is largely associated with the consumption of tobacco products, genetic factors, as well as environmental and occupational risk factors, also play a role in the emergence of the disease. Radon gas, a colorless, odorless and radioactive gas, is the most important risk factor for lung cancer after smoking. In addition, the risk of lung cancer may increase up to 6 times in those exposed to asbestos mineral. "The risk of developing the disease is twice as high in people with a family history of lung cancer." said.

Cough may be a sign of cancer

Memberturk explained that the symptoms of lung cancer include shortness of breath, cough, waist/back pain and weight loss, and stated that in the early stages of the disease, these symptoms are often not noticed and therefore the diagnosis may be delayed.

definitive diagnosis

Memberturk emphasized that a biopsy is required for a definitive diagnosis and stated that the diagnosis is usually made with bronchoscopy or computerized tomography-assisted interventional radiology.

Prof. Dr. Ümmügül Yürük said in her statement: “The histological subtype of cancer, the stage of cancer and the general performance status of the patient are among the factors that determine treatment and prognosis. "Although lung cancer has many histological subtypes, it is generally examined in two groups in the clinic: small cell and non-small cell lung cancer."

Memberturk said, “While chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy are preferred in the treatment of small cell lung cancer, surgery is the first choice, if possible, in the treatment of non-small cell cancer. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted drugs are added to this.” said.

Prof. Dr. Ümmügül Çözümtürk emphasized the importance of being informed about lung cancer awareness, recognizing early symptoms and participating in regular screenings if there are risk factors. Memberturk stated that the most important point is not to start smoking or, if you have started, to quit as soon as possible, and said, "Quit smoking before cancer puts an end to your life." he called.