9 Vaccine Precaution Against Cervical Cancer

Vaccination Prevention Against Cervical Cancer
9 Vaccine Precaution Against Cervical Cancer

Associate Professor from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Memorial Şişli Hospital. Dr. Çiğdem Pulatoğlu gave information about cervical cancer and HPV vaccines.

Stating that the HPV 9 vaccine provides protection against types with a high risk of cancer, Assoc. Dr. Çiğdem Pulatoğlu said, “The HPV virus does not cause cancer immediately after being infected. It can stay in the person's body for a certain period of time, but it does not become active immediately. HPV vaccines provide protection against cancer-causing types of HPV. HPV type 4 vaccine is a vaccine that protects against HPV 6,11,16 and 18. Types 6 and 11 cause more genital warts. Genital warts are usually harmless. The 2 highest-risk types of HPV causing cancer are 16 and 18. HPV types 31,33,45,52 and 58 are also high-risk types for cervical cancer. The 9-vaccine provides protection against HPV 6,11,16,18, 31,33,45,52 and 58. Since it provides protection against 9 types of HPV, it is called the 9-injection vaccine. There is no age limit in the 9 vaccine. It can be applied to girls and boys from the age of 9 years. It is a dead vaccine, usually administered intramuscularly in the arm or leg. It is a vaccine without side effects, as with other vaccines, it may cause redness, swelling and some pain at the injection site. The HPV 9 vaccine provides long-term protection against cervical cancer.” he said.

"Those who have HPV 4 vaccine can also get 9 vaccine" said Assoc. Dr. Çiğdem Pulatoğlu continued as follows:

“What is actually desired about HPV vaccines is to be vaccinated before sexual intercourse starts. This vaccine can be administered to girls and boys from the age of 9 years. In children aged 9-15, HPV 9 vaccine is administered as 2 doses. These 2 doses are administered 6 months apart. In children older than 15 years, the vaccine is administered in 3 doses. The way of administration of the three doses is as follows; The second dose is administered 2 months after the first dose and the third dose 2 months after the second dose. If the patient's sexual life has started or if there is an anomaly in the smear test or if the HPV test is positive, the HPV 2 vaccine can be administered in 4 doses after the necessary treatments are applied. Those who have had the HPV 3 vaccine before can also get the 9 vaccine. If 3 year has passed since the 4-dose vaccine administered in 9 doses, the 3-vaccine can be administered. If a year has not passed, it is expected that a year will pass. The HPV 4 vaccine also covers the types covered by the 1 vaccines. Other species not covered by vaccines can be transmitted despite vaccinations.”

Emphasizing that regular controls should be continued even if vaccinated, Assoc. Dr. Çiğdem Pulatoğlu said, “As men are carriers of HPV, HPV vaccines can also be administered to men. HPV virus can cause genital warts in men, and penile and anal region cancer although it is rare. The HPV vaccine also protects men from these diseases. The vaccine prevents the transmission of HPV types covered by the vaccine to men, and since the male is not a carrier, it does not transmit this virus to the woman. The HPV vaccine provides protection against strains with a high risk of cancer. Even if they were vaccinated, regular smear checks were not continued. HPV 9 vaccine provides protection against some types that cause genital warts and cervical cancer, but regular check-ups should not be interrupted. he said.