Traditional Kitchen Equipment Out of Class

Traditional Kitchen Equipment Out of Class
Traditional Kitchen Equipment Out of Class

Traditional kitchen equipment creates a disadvantage in terms of sustainability and energy saving in professional kitchens. Among the reasons why energy saving is becoming more and more of a focus are; While the increase in gas, oil and electricity costs is listed, on the other hand, issues such as preventing environmental pollution and sustainability resonate with the public. For these reasons, while making investment decisions in restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and any place where industrial-style food is served, issues such as energy savings and lower CO2 emissions are gaining more and more importance day by day.

RATIONAL Turkey's Sustainability Officer Gamze Güler said, “Due to the energy crisis and rising energy costs, we frequently receive questions about the energy values ​​of our RATIONAL cooking systems. Especially in Turkey, the energy values ​​of traditional kitchen equipment present great disadvantages in terms of sustainability and CO2 emissions. Newly purchased traditional kitchen equipment causes the continuation of the problems instead of solving these disadvantages. Güler said, “With our ENERGY STAR certified technological cooking system, iCombi Pro, our customers have a certificate of assurance that they have purchased energy-efficient equipment.”

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in its latest report published in January 2023, confirms that all ENERGY STAR certified iCombi Pro cooking systems provide strong performance and higher energy savings than other non-certified standard ovens. One of the most important reasons for this saving is the development of good insulation and door glass coating. The EPA states that the iCombi Pro models provide up to 30 percent energy savings compared to other non-certified standard models.

Gamze Güler concluded her speech by saying, “As an innovative company, we are happy as RATIONAL employees because of the benefit we provide in our industry with technology for sustainability and the environment.”