Eyüp-Piyer Loti Cable Car Switches to Daylight Saving Time

Eyüp Pierre Loti Cable Car Switches to Summer Tariff
Eyüp-Piyer Loti Cable Car Switches to Daylight Saving Time

The Eyüp-Piyer Loti Cable Car line, which is mostly used by domestic and foreign tourists, switches to the summer period schedule.

In the statement made by Metro Istanbul; Our Eyüp-Piyer Loti Cable Car Line will switch to the summer schedule on Saturday, May 6th. According to the new schedule, our flights will be extended by 1 hour and service will be provided between 08.00-23.00. it was said

The 0,42 km long Eyüp-Piyer Loti Cable Car Line with two stations takes 2 and a half minutes. You can travel with Istanbulkart on the line, which has 8 wagons, each with a capacity of 4 passengers.