Renal Denervation Procedure in the Treatment of Hypertension

Renal Denervation Procedure in the Treatment of Hypertension
Renal Denervation Procedure in the Treatment of Hypertension

According to the data of the World Health Organization, hypertension, which affects approximately 1,28 billion adults worldwide, can cause life-threatening diseases such as heart failure, heart attack, brain hemorrhage, stroke and kidney failure if not controlled.

Emphasizing that hypertension can progress without symptoms and therefore poses a danger, Bayındır Health Group, one of the group companies of Türkiye İş Bankası, Head of Cardiology Department of Bayındır Söğütözü Hospital, Prof. Dr. Erdem Diker gave information about the treatment methods of high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is defined as a high blood pressure of 140 (14) or a low blood pressure above 90 (9). Hypertension is diagnosed if both or only one of these two values ​​is high.

Stating that hypertension can be diagnosed even with an accidental blood pressure measurement, Bayındır Söğütözü Hospital Cardiology Department Head Prof. Dr. Erdem Diker said, “Although its diagnosis is very easy, it is quite dangerous since it is a disease that can progress without symptoms. If hypertension is not treated, it can cause life-threatening diseases such as heart failure, heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage, stroke and kidney failure. The main element of the treatment is the regular use of drugs. Because hypertension drugs are effective as long as they are used.

Things to know about drug therapy in 7 items

Stating that there are points to be considered regarding blood pressure lowering drugs used in the treatment of hypertension, Prof. Dr. Erdem Diker listed the things that should be known:

1-The blood pressure medication recommended by the physician should be used regularly.

2-There may be daily or seasonal blood pressure fluctuations. Unless your systolic blood pressure is persistently above 140 mmHg (14) or your diastolic blood pressure is above 90 mmHg (9), there is no need to worry.

3- When your doctor recommends you a medicine containing one or more blood pressure lowering substances, this medicine may not always lower your blood pressure at the desired level and may have side effects. Your doctor will find the best medicine for you with medication changes.

4-A blood pressure medicine that you hear is good for another patient may not be effective for you or may have side effects.

5-Losing weight, reducing salt and exercising regularly are of great importance in the treatment of hypertension. Apart from these, you should not interfere with your blood pressure treatment with herbs or methods that are claimed to reduce blood pressure unless your physician recommends it.

6-The most effective and scientific method in the treatment of hypertension is blood pressure lowering drug therapy. It should be known that there will be a waste of time with alternative, unscientific methods.

7-The body does not get used to blood pressure drugs and blood pressure drugs do not damage the kidneys. Due to the progression of blood pressure disease over the years, your old medications may be insufficient. If your blood pressure is not adequately treated, kidneys may deteriorate regardless of medication use.

Renal denervation procedure in the treatment of hypertension

Stating that sometimes there are situations where hypertension is not controlled despite the regular use of many drugs, Prof. Dr. Erdem Diker said, “This condition is called resistant hypertension. In the case of blood pressure that cannot be lowered, other treatment methods are needed in addition to medication. Resistant hypertension can be controlled with a simple method similar to coronary angiography, renal denervation, in which the nerve networks around the kidney vessels are partially destroyed. After the procedure, the desired blood pressure values ​​are reached.”