China's First Undersea Highway Opened to Traffic

China's First Undersea Highway Opened to Traffic
China's First Undersea Highway Opened to Traffic

An undersea tunnel highway opened to traffic earlier this week in the coastal city of Dalian in China's northeastern province of Liaoning. Consisting of a two-way express road with three lanes each, the tunnel is located in Dalian Bay. Responsible for the construction and operation of the tunnel, Dalian Bay Undersea Tunnel Co., Ltd. Deputy Chief Engineer Sun Zhu explained that this artifact is the first sea-submerged tunnel found in northern China.

The maximum traffic speed for vehicles in the 5,1 kilometer long tunnel is 60 kilometers per hour. Construction of the tunnel took about four years. The connection road of the tunnel was opened to traffic earlier this week. The road in question connects the northern and southern shores of Dalian Bay, thereby both relieving traffic and expanding the area required for the development of the city in Dalian.