Bereket Association Announces Vacip Sacrifice Donation Fee

Bereket Association Announces Vacip Sacrifice Donation Fee
Bereket Association Announces Vacip Sacrifice Donation Fee

Since the day it was founded, the Bereket Association, which has been working throughout the year with activities such as iftar and food donations, and dressing the orphans, has rolled up its sleeves for the activities of the domestic and foreign Vacip Sacrifice organization, with the same approach to the victim.

Bereket Association Announces Sacrifice Donation Fee

Sacrifice Donation 2023 Bereket Association, which will organize Vajib Sacrifice Organizations in 21 countries, mainly in the country, within the scope of the organization, hastened the campaign of Vacip Sacrifice Organization with the slogan of "Sacrifice to Brotherhood" and announced the foreign share price of 1850 TL and the foreign sheep and goat sacrifice donation fee as 2200 TL.

Donations are Made with the Consciousness of Worship

According to the statement made by the association, the Bereket Association, which has been carrying out its humanitarian aid activities for more than 15 years, makes its purchases in the region where the sacrifice will be made, under the supervision of its own personnel, through the volunteer and authorized personnel it has sent to the region during the Vacip Sacrifice Organization, by selecting the animals that qualify as sacrifice months in advance, under the control of a veterinarian. As of the first day of the Eid al-Fitr, it was said that while performing the slaughtering and distribution processes in accordance with the climatic conditions of the region, by observing Islamic sensitivities with the consciousness and awareness of worship, the videos of the slaughtered victims are sent to the benefactors in private.

Victims Are Delivered to Those in Real Need

For many years, the African continent has had to struggle with poverty and crises due to various difficulties, malnutrition, scarcity of water resources, wars and internal conflicts. sacrifice donation With its activities, it delivers qurban donations to the people of the region who have difficulty in accessing qualified food, especially to families in need, the poor and orphans, and to children living in madrasahs and orphanages.

Sending Videos

As every year, this year, the association management, which sends the personnel in charge to the regions where it operates within the scope of the Vacip Sacrifice organization, follows the cutting, disintegration and distribution moments of the victims by the personnel and volunteers in the region. While ensuring that they reach their destination, it transmits the victims' bespoke videos to their donors.

Trusted Online Donation

In the statement made by the management of the association, throughout the year votive sacrificeDonate all qurban donation trusts, especially the aqiqa qurban donation. They will be able to make donations via EFT and money order to the relevant bank accounts on the website of online from Bereket Association centers by calling the phone number 0 212 809 66 27 XNUMX, amen.