All Treatments Applied to Permanent Teeth Can Also Be Applied to Primary Teeth

All Treatments Applied to Permanent Teeth Can Also Be Applied to Primary Teeth
All Treatments Applied to Permanent Teeth Can Also Be Applied to Primary Teeth

Üsküdar Dental Hospital Pediatric Dentist Assoc. Dr. Barış Karabulut talked about the importance of milk teeth in children and gave information about their treatment. Pediatric Dentist Assoc. Dr. Barış Karabulut said, “These teeth are the guides of permanent teeth. Primary teeth guide for permanent teeth to erupt at the right time, in the right direction and in the right way. Therefore, in order for the permanent teeth to be aligned properly and orthodontic treatments not to occur too much, the milk teeth should be kept healthy in the mouth until they fall normally. said.

All treatments applied to permanent teeth can also be applied to primary teeth.

Emphasizing that it is very important to consult a physician even in the smallest decays in milk teeth, Karabulut said, “Deciduous tooth decays occur in milk teeth due to their structure. These bruises cause severe pain in children. In cases where the treatment is delayed, the teeth are extracted. All treatments applied to permanent teeth can also be applied to primary teeth and even more important.” he said.

Extraction of milk teeth can cause trauma in children

Noting that early extraction of milk teeth can cause trauma in children, Karabulut said, “Brass are made to replace the extracted teeth and these wires stay in the child's mouth for a long time. However, if it is intervened early, with simple fillings, it is possible to keep the baby teeth in the mouth without hurting the child. Ensuring that milk teeth fall out spontaneously and on time prevents both extraction and early period braces treatments and orthodontic problems that may occur in the future. made the statement.

It is important that the treatment is carried out in environments equipped with high standards.

Pediatric Dentist Assoc. Dr. Barış Karabulut concluded his words as follows:

“Many branches are intertwined in faculties and sometimes it may be necessary to get consultation from different branches. Patients who cannot be treated on the couch should be treated in a safe and comfortable environment within the hospital with applications such as general anesthesia and sedation.”