Engine Development Projects Continue for National Combat Aircraft

Engine Development Projects for National Combat Aircraft Continue
Engine Development Projects Continue for National Combat Aircraft

Head of Defense Industry Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir was a guest on TRT NEWS broadcast. Making statements about the projects in the sector in the broadcast in question, Demir also talked about the latest developments about the National Combat Aircraft (MMU). Demir used the following statements:

“(MMU) It will fly after the approval of our friends who will give approval. Our goal is to fly as soon as possible, a process that can take up to 1 year. He can pass it. The flight issue is critical. Our engine development projects continue for both our National Combat Aircraft and helicopters.”

Head of Defense Industry Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir made statements about defense industry projects in the Weekend program with Hakan Çelik on March 25. In this context, Demir said that the first flight date of the National Combat Aircraft would be realized in 2025. Demir used the following statements in the program:

“We will make the first flight in 2025. Let's give a later date, but be prepared for surprises. We will deliver it to our Air Force in 2030. Invisibility is a technology. It is advancing step by step. We more or less caught up with certain technologies in some planes. This feature will get better as the work continues.

Both electronic systems, cyber security, and intelligent systems will be in topics such as artificial intelligence. It will be completely smart, so to speak. The reason why we say 4.5th generation is due to the engine. We use the F110 engine. It is not an engine developed for the 5th generation. When the domestic engine is made, we will be able to call it the 5th generation and even beyond. Already now, the concepts of the 5th and 6th generation are a bit confused. When it comes to the 6th generation, what we aim for here is completely electronic, even friends say that we can do it without human beings, one step further.”

Source: defenceturk